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Component Lifecycleλ︎

Clojure has several library to manage the lifecycle of components that make up the application, especially those components with state. Components can be started and stopped in a specific order, ensuring the system remains in a good state.

Components can be started and stopped without having to stop the Clojure REPL process.

Donut System Integrant Mount Component


cider-refresh uses to update the state of the Clojure REPL, removing stale function definitions and loading changed code into the REPL.

CIDER provides two variables to call a fully qualified function before and after running cider-refresh, typically used to stop and start system components cleanly.

  • cider-ns-refresh-before-fn
  • cider-ns-refresh-after-fn

Project Configurationλ︎

Create a .dir-locals.el file that calls the component lifecycle functions when using cider-refresh.

Space p e to open a .dir.locals.el in the current project, creating the file if it does not exist.

During development call the reset function to stop components, clean the namespace and start all components again.

((clojure-mode . ((cider-ns-refresh-before-fn . "system-repl/reset"))))

Space f s to save the file. Refresh a buffer from the project or open a new file to trigger the reading of the .dir-locals.el configuration by Emacs.

Alternatively, if a namespace refresh is not required, configure the .dir-local.el file to call stop then start.

((clojure-mode . ((cider-ns-refresh-before-fn . "system-repl/stop")
                  (cider-ns-refresh-after-fn . "system-repl/start"))))

This code calls the stop function from the component lifecycle library at the start of the cider-refresh function. At the end of cider-refresh, the start function is called to restart all the components in the defined order in the project.

Prevent cider-ns-refresh calling component lifecycle functions

Space u - 1 , en calls cider-ns-refresh but prevents the refresh functions defined in cider-ns-refresh-before-fn and cider-ns-refresh-after-fn from being invoked.

Reloaded REPL Workflowλ︎

Practicalli Reloaded REPL Workflow provides tools to further enhance and optomise the Clojure REPL workflow.

Create custom REPL startup code that adds functions to manage components via the dev/system-repl.clj file.

The service-repl namespace is required by the user namespace in dev/user.clj file, making the service-repl code load automatically when using the -M:dev/env alias to start the REPL.

Define a system which contains one or more component definitions. A component definition may include references to other components and signal handlers that specify behavior.

Example Donut system with HTTP server, logging and Routing
(ns practicalli.gameboard.system
  "Service component lifecycle management"
   ;; Application dependencies
   [practicalli.gameboard.router :as router]

   ;; Component system
   [donut.system :as donut]

   ;; System dependencies
   [org.httpkit.server     :as http-server]
   [com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog]))

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Donut Party System configuration

(def main
  "System Component management with Donut"
   ;; Option: move :env data to resources/config.edn and parse with aero reader
    {:http-port 8080
     {:database-host (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_HOST") "http://localhost")
      :database-port (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_PORT") "5432")
      :database-username (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_USERNAME") "clojure")
      :database-password (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_PASSWORD") "clojure")
      :database-schema (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_SCHEMA") "clojure")}}

    ;; mulog publisher for a given publisher type, i.e. console, cloud-watch
     #::donut{:start (fn mulog-publisher-start
                       [{{:keys [publisher]} ::donut/config}]
                       (mulog/log ::log-publish-component
                                  :publisher-config publisher
                                  :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
                       (mulog/start-publisher! publisher))

              :stop (fn mulog-publisher-stop
                      [{::donut/keys [instance]}]
                      (mulog/log ::log-publish-component-shutdown :publisher instance :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
                      ;; Pause so final messages have chance to be published
                      (Thread/sleep 250)

              :config {:publisher {:type :console :pretty? true}}}}

    ;; HTTP server start - returns function to stop the server
     #::donut{:start (fn http-kit-run-server
                       [{{:keys [handler options]} ::donut/config}]
                       (mulog/log ::http-server-component
                                  :handler handler
                                  :port (options :port)
                                  :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
                       (http-server/run-server handler options))

              :stop  (fn http-kit-stop-server
                       [{::donut/keys [instance]}]
                       (mulog/log ::http-server-component-shutdown
                                  :http-server-instance instance
                                  :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

              :config {:handler (donut/local-ref [:handler])
                       :options {:port  (donut/ref [:env :http-port])
                                 :join? false}}}

     ;; Function handling all requests, passing system environment
     ;; Configure environment for router application, e.g. database connection details, etc.
     :handler (router/app (donut/ref [:env :persistence]))}}})

;; End of Donut Party System configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
Define system-repl namespace to start, stop and restart the system.
(ns system-repl
  "Tools for REPl workflow with Donut system components"
   [donut.system :as donut]
   [donut.system.repl :as donut-repl]
   [donut.system.repl.state :as donut-repl-state]
   [practicalli.gameboard.system :as system]))

;; Define the system to manage via the REPL
(defmethod donut/named-system :donut.system/repl
  [_] system/main)

(defn start
  "Start system with donut, optionally passing a named system"
  ([] (donut-repl/start))
  ([system-config] (donut-repl/start system-config)))

(defn stop
  "Stop the currently running system"
  []  (donut-repl/stop))

(defn restart
  "Restart the system with donut repl,
  Uses to reload namespaces
  `( :after 'donut.system.repl/start)`"
  [] (donut-repl/restart))

(defn system
  "Return: fully qualified hash-map of system state"
  [] donut-repl-state/system)

Define a system-repl.clj file with start, stop and restart functions that manage the lifecycle of mount components.

The reset function that calls stop, refreshes the namespaces so that stale definitions are removed and starts all components (loading in any new code).

Mount system
(defn start []
  (mount/start #'practicalli.gameboard/environment

(defn stop 
  "Stops all component, remove all non-persistent state."
  [] (mount/stop))

(defn reset
  "Stop all states defined by defstate.
  Reload modified source files and restart all states"
  (namespace/refresh :after 'dev/go))
