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Magit checkout remote branchesλ︎

Git works with local branches. Local branches can be pushed to a shared repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.).

When checking out a remote branch, Magit will create a local tracking branch which is automatic checked out. Changes can then be committed to this local tracking branch. Push the local tracking branch to the remote repository to share the new commits.

Checkout local tracking branch for a remote branchλ︎

SPC g s calls magit-status and opens the Magit Git Status buffer

b opens the branch menu in the magit status buffer

l creates a local tracking branch with the unqualified name of the remote branch

e.g. if the remote branch is called practicalli/cli-alias-updates then the local tracking branch is called cli-alias-updates

Magit Status buffer should now show the local branch, e.g. cli-alaiases-updates, as the Head reference.

Using Magit command lineλ︎

! ! opens a Git command line in the Magit status buffer

Spacemacs Magit command line

Run the Git checkout command using the --track option to create a local branch with the same name as the remote branch.

git checkout --track practicalli/cli-alias-updates

Magit Status buffer should now show the local branch as the Head reference.