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Spacemacs Clojure Layer Overviewλ︎

Spacemacs Clojure Layer

The Clojure layer provides full language support and tooling including, autocomplete, refactor, inspector and debug, etc.

Projects managed by Leiningen, Boot and Clojure CLI (deps.edn) are supported and automatically detected when running the REPL.

CIDER is provided by the Clojure layer

CIDER is the predominant package for Clojure development with Emacs and includes a range of supporting Emacs packages, curated to ensure those packages work well together.

The Clojure layer uses the latest version of CIDER on Melpa, either release or latest snapshot.

Features of the Clojure layerλ︎

Practicalli Cider Logo

CIDER provides a comprehensive range of tools to create quality Clojure code.

Start a REPL (Clojure runtime environment) from Spacemacs and evaluate one or more expressions to see the results in the source code buffer, giving extremely fast feedback on the behavior of that code.

  • REPL based Test runner and test reports
  • smart code completion
  • live static analysis with clj-kondo and Clojure LSP
  • Documentation and source navigation
  • Error report filtering
  • Value inspector to visualise and navigate evaluation results
  • Interactive debugging
  • nREPL session management

Further readingλ︎