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Create a remote repository or forkλ︎

Fork of a Git project already cloned locally, e.g. to create a pull request and contribute back to an open source project.

Only GitHub is supported

Fork a cloned repositoryλ︎

SPC g c will clone a remote repository and prompts for a name or URL

SPC g s to open Magit Status

@ c f to create a remote fork,

Select or type in the name of the GitHub user or organisation account in which the fork of the repository should be created.

Spacemacs Magit Forge create fork - fork to Spacemacs Magit Forge create fork - fork to

Confirm the name of the alias for the forked repository (the name used as the push/pull default)

Configure owned accounts and organisationsλ︎

Include the accounts owned to have the names pre-filled when selecting where to create repositories, i.e. when creating a fork.

Define accounts and organisations in which a fork can be create using the forge-owned-accounts setting.

Spacemacs Configuration - dotspacemacs/user-config
(setq forge-owned-accounts '(("practicalli" "practicalli-john" )))

Define accounts and organisations that should not be included, overriding matching items in the forge-owned-accounts setting.

Spacemacs Configuration - dotspacemacs/user-config
(setq forge-owned-blacklist '(("bad-hacks" "really-bad-hacks")))`

Practicall Spacemacs Config

practicalli/spacemacs-config repository contains these settings.

;; GitHub user and organisation accounts owned
;; used by @ c f  to create a fork
(setq forge-owned-accounts
      '(("practicalli" "practicalli-john"
         "ClojureBridgeLondon" "ldnclj"

;; Blacklist Forge accounts
;; - over-rides forge-owned-accounts
;; (setq forge-owned-blacklist
;;       '(("bad-hacks" "really-bad-hacks")))