Language Server Protocolλ︎
Language Server Protocol provides a standard to provide a common set of development tools, e.g. code completion, syntax highlighting, refactor and language diagnostics.
Each language requires a specific LSP server implementation.
An editor or plugin provides an LSP client that uses data from language servers, providing information about source code and enabling development tools to understand the code structure.
Clojure LSPλ︎
clojure-lsp is an implementation of an LSP server for Clojure and ClojureScript languages. Clojure LSP is built on top of
clj-kondo which provides the static analysis of Clojure and ClojureScript code.
Most Clojure aware editors provide an LSP client.
Clojure LSP installation guide covers multiple operating systems.
Practicalli recommends downloading the clojure-lsp-native-linux-amd64
from GitHub release page
Extracts the clojure-lsp
binary to ~/.local/bin/clojure-lsp
Check Clojure LSP server is working via the command line
Editors may provide install mechanism for Clojure LSP
Spacemacs LSP layer will prompt to install a language server when first opening a file of a major mode where LSP is enabled. E.g. when a Clojure related file is opened, the Clojure LSP server is downloaded if not installed (or not found on the Emacs path).
Neovim package called mason manages the install of lint & format tools as well as LSP servers, or an externally installed LSP server can also be used.
VSCode Calva plugin includes the clojure-lsp server, although an external server can be configured.
Practicalli Clojure LSP Configuration
config.edn is the recommended configuration from Practicalli.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Clojure LSP user level (global) configuration
;; Complete config.edn example with default settings
;; default key/value are in comments
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Refact config from all-available-settings example
{;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Project analysis
;; auto-resolved for deps.edn, project.clj or bb.edn projects
;; :source-paths #{"src" "test"}
;; Include :extra-paths and :extra-deps from project & user level aliases in LSP classpath
;; :source-aliases #{:dev :test}
:source-aliases #{:dev :test :dev/env :dev/reloaded}
;; Define a custom project classpath command, e.g. Clojure CLI
;; :project-specs [{:project-path "deps.edn"
;; :classpath-cmd ["clojure" "-M:env/dev:env/test" "-Spath"]}]
;; Check the default at clojure-lsp.classpath/default-project-specs
;; :project-specs []
;; ignore analyzing/linting specific paths
:source-paths-ignore-regex ["target.*" "build.*" "console-log-.*"]
;; Additional LSP configurations to load from classpath
;; :classpath-config-paths []
;; :paths-ignore-regex []
;; Watch for classpath changes
;; :notify-references-on-file-change true
;; :compute-external-file-changes true
;; Approach for linking dependencies
;; :dependency-scheme "zipfile"
;; generate and analyze stubs for specific namespaces on the project classpath
;; typically for closed source dependencies, e.g. datomic.api
;; :stubs {:generation {:namespaces #{}
;; :output-dir ".lsp/.cache/stubs"
;; :java-command "java"}
;; :extra-dirs []}
;; Java Sources from Ubuntu package openjdk-17-source
;; jdk-source-uri takes precedence
;; :java
;; {:jdk-source-uri ""
;; :home-path nil ;; jdk-source-uri takes precedence
;; :download-jdk-source? false
;; :decompile-jar-as-project? true}
;; :java
;; {:jdk-source-uri "file:///usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-17/lib/"}
:java nil
;; End of Project analysis
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Linter configuration
;; clj-kondo Linter rules
;; :linters {:clj-kondo {:level :on
;; :report-duplicates true
;; :ns-exclude-regex ""}
;; :clj-depend {:level :info}} ;; Only if any clj-depend config is found
;; asynchronously lint project files after startup, for features like List project errors
;; :lint-project-files-after-startup? true
;; copy clj-kondo hooks configs exported by libs on classpath during startup
;; :copy-kondo-configs? true
;; End of Linter configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Refactor code
;; Namespace format
;; :clean {:automatically-after-ns-refactor true
;; :ns-inner-blocks-indentation :next-line
;; :ns-import-classes-indentation :next-line
;; :sort {:ns true
;; :require true
;; :import true
;; :import-classes {:classes-per-line 3} ;; -1 for all in single line
;; :refer {:max-line-length 80}}}
;; Do not sort namespaces
:clean {sort {:ns false
:require false
:import false}}
;; Automatically add ns form to new Clojure/Script files
;; :auto-add-ns-to-new-files? true
;; use ^private metadata rather than defn-
;; :use-metadata-for-privacy? false
:use-metadata-for-privacy? true
;; Keep parens around single argument functions in thread macro
;; :keep-parens-when-threading? false
:keep-parens-when-threading? true
;; End of Refactor code
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Clojure formatting configuration - cljfmt
;; location of cljfmt configuration for formatting
;; Path relative to project root or an absolute path
;; :cljfmt-config-path ".cljfmt.edn"
:cljfmt-config-path "cljfmt.edn"
;; Specify cljfmt configuration within Clojure LSP configuration file
;; :cljfmt {}
;; End of Clojure formatting configuration - cljfmt
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Visual LSP components
;; :hover {:hide-file-location? false
;; :arity-on-same-line? false
;; :clojuredocs true}
;; :completion {:additional-edits-warning-text nil
;; :analysis-type :fast-but-stale}
;; :code-lens {:segregate-test-references true}
;; LSP semantic tokens server support for syntax highlighting
;; :semantic-tokens? true
;; Documentation artefacts
;; :document-formatting? true
;; :document-range-formatting? true
;; End of Visual LSP components
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; LSP general configuration options
;; Exit clojure-lsp if any errors found, e.g. classpath scan failure
;; :api {:exit-on-errors? true}
;; Synchronise whole buffer `:full` or only related changes `:incremental`
;; :text-document-sync-kind :full
;; End of LSP general configuration options
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; File locations
;; project analysis cache to speed clojure-lsp startup
;; relative path to project root or absolute path
;; :cache-path ".lsp/.cache"
;; Absolute path
;; :log-path "/tmp/clojure-lsp.*.out"
;; End of file locations
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; LSP snippets
[;; Documentation / comments
{:name "comment-heading"
:detail "Comment Header"
";; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; ${1:Heading summary title}
;; ${2:Brief description}\n;; ---------------------------------------------------------\n\n$0"}
{:name "comment-separator"
:detail "Comment Separator"
";; ---------------------------------------------------------\n;; ${1:Section title}\n\n$0"}
{:name "comment-section"
:detail "Comment Section"
";; ---------------------------------------------------------\n;; ${1:Section title}\n\n$0\n\n
;; End of $1\n;; ---------------------------------------------------------\n\n"}
{:name "wrap-reader-comment"
:detail "Wrap current expression with Comment Reader macro"
:snippet "#_$current-form"}
{:name "rich-comment"
:detail "Create rich comment"
#_()) ;; End of rich comment"}
{:name "rich-comment-rdd"
:detail "Create comment block"
"#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:redefined-var]}
#_()) ; End of rich comment"}
{:name "rich-comment-hotload"
:detail "Rich comment library hotload"
"#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:redefined-var]}
;; Add-lib library for hot-loading
(require '[ :refer [add-libs]])
(add-libs '{${1:domain/library-name} {:mvn/version \"${2:1.0.0}\"}$3})
#_()) ; End of rich comment block"}
{:name "wrap-rich-comment"
:detail "Wrap current expression with rich comment form"
#_()) ;; End of rich comment"}
;; Core functions
{:name "def"
:detail "def with docstring"
:snippet "(def ${1:name}\n \"${2:doc-string}\"\n $0)"}
{:name "def-"
:detail "def private"
:snippet "(def ^:private ${1:name}\n \"${2:doc-string}\"\n $0)"}
{:name "defn"
:detail "Create public function"
:snippet "(defn ${1:name}\n \"${2:doc-string}\"\n [${3:args}]\n $0)"}
{:name "defn-"
:detail "Create public function"
:snippet "(defn ^:private ${1:name}\n \"${2:docstring}\"\n [${3:args}]\n $0)"}
{:name "ns"
:detail "Create ns"
:snippet "(ns ${1:name}\n \"${2:doc-string}\"\n ${3:require})"}
;; Clojure CLI alias snippets
{:name "deps-alias"
:detail "deps.edn alias with extra path & deps"
{:extra-paths [\"${2:path}\"]
:extra-deps {${3:deps-maven or deps-git}}}$0"}
{:name "deps-alias-main"
:detail "deps.edn alias with extra path & deps"
{:extra-paths [\"${2:path}\"]
:extra-deps {${3:deps-maven or deps-git}}
:main-opts [\"-m\" \"${4:main namespace}\"]}$0"}
{:name "deps-alias-exec"
:detail "deps.edn alias with extra path & deps"
{:extra-paths [\"${2:path}\"]
:extra-deps {${3:deps-maven or deps-git}}
:exec-fn ${4:domain/function-name}
:exec-args {${5:key value}}}$0"}
{:name "deps-alias-main-exec"
:detail "deps.edn alias with extra path & deps"
{:extra-paths [\"${2:path}\"]
:extra-deps {${3:deps-maven or deps-git}}
:main-opts [\"-m\" \"${4:main namespace}\"]
:exec-fn ${4:domain/function-name}
:exec-args {${5:key value}}}$0"}
{:name "deps-maven"
:detail "deps.edn Maven dependency"
"${1:domain/library-name} {:mvn/version \"${2:1.0.0}\"}$0"}
{:name "deps-git"
:detail "deps.edn Git dependency"
{:git/sha \"${2:git-sha-value}\"}$0"}
{:name "deps-git-tag"
:detail "Git dependency"
{:git/tag \"${2:git-tag-value}\"
:git/sha \"${3:git-sha-value}\"}$0"}
{:name "deps-git-url"
:detail "Git URL dependency"
{:git/url \"$1\"
:git/sha \"${2:git-sha-value}\"}$0"}
{:name "deps-local"
:detail "deps.edn Maven dependency"
"${1:domain/library-name} {:local/root \"${2:/path/to/project/root}\"}$0"}
;; Requiring dependency snippets
{:name "require-rdd"
:detail "require for rich comment experiments"
:snippet "(require '[${1:namespace} :as ${2:alias}]$3)$0"}
{:name "require"
:detail "ns require"
:snippet "(:require [${1:namespace}])$0"}
{:name "require-refer"
:detail "ns require with :refer"
:snippet "(:require [${1:namespace} :refer [$2]]$3)$0"}
{:name "require-as"
:detail "ns require with :as alias"
:snippet "(:require [${1:namespace} :as ${2:alias}]$3)$0"}
{:name "use"
:detail "require refer preferred over use"
:snippet "(:require [${1:namespace} :refer [$2]])$0"}
;; Unit Test snippets
{:name "deftest"
:detail "deftest clojure.test"
"(deftest ${1:name}-test
(testing \"${2:Context of the test assertions}\"
(is (= ${3:assertion-values}))$4)) $0"}
{:name "testing"
:detail "testing asserting group for clojure.test"
:snippet "(testing \"${1:description-of-assertion-group}\"\n $0)"}
{:name "is"
:detail "assertion for clojure.test"
:snippet "(is (= ${1:function call} ${2:expected result}))$0"}
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Clojure LSP and Clj-kondo snippets
{:name "lsp-ignore-redefined"
:detail "Ignore redefined Vars"
"#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:redefined-var]}
;; End of Clojure LSP and Clj-kondo snippets
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; End of LSP snippets
;; ---------------------------------------------------------
Include :extra-paths
and :extra-deps
from project & user level aliases in LSP classpath. e.g. support a custom user
namespace in dev/user.clj
Include Java Sources installed via Debian / Ubuntu package openjdk-21-source
to support calls to Java Objects and Methods.
{:jdk-source-uri "file:///usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-21/lib/" ;;
:home-path nil ;; jdk-source-uri takes precedence
:download-jdk-source? false}
Disable Java analysis
If not using Java Interop with Clojure, it can be an advantage to disable the Java analysis. This should remove Java functions from autocomplete.
Clean namespace ns
forms but do not sort require names
:clean {:automatically-after-ns-refactor true
:ns-inner-blocks-indentation :next-line
:ns-import-classes-indentation :next-line
:sort {:ns false
:require false
:import false
:import-classes {:classes-per-line 3} ;; -1 for all in single line
:refer {:max-line-length 80}}}
Use ^private
metadata for private function definitions rather than defn-
Location of cljfmt configuration for formatting, path relative to project root. The defaults for cljfmt are used, except :remove-consecutive-blank-lines?
which is set to false to enable more readable code.
cljfmt configuration included example
rules for clojure.core, compojure, fuzzy rules and examples used by the Clojure LSP maintainer.
Practicalli snippetsλ︎
Practicalli Snippets are defined in the :additional-snippets
section of the Practicalli Clojure LSP config.
Docs / commentsλ︎
- describe purpose of the namespacecomment-separator
- logically separate code sections, helps identify opportunities to refactor to other name spacescomment-section
- logically separate large code sections with start and end line commentswrap-reader-comment
- insert reader comment macro,#_
before current form, informing Clojure reader to ignore next form
Repl Driven Developmentλ︎
- comment blockrich-comment-rdd
- comment block with ignore :redefined-var for repl experimentsrich-comment-hotload
- comment block with add-libs code for hotloading libraries in Clojure CLI replwrap-rich-comment
- wrap current form with comment reader macrorequire-rdd
- add a require expression, for adding a require in a rich comment block for RDD
Standard library functionsλ︎
- def with docstringdef-
- private def with docstringdefn
- defn with docstringdefn-
private defn with docstringns
- namespace form with docstring
Clojure CLI deps.edn aliasesλ︎
- add Clojure CLI aliasdeps-maven
- add a maven style dependencydeps-git
- add a git style dependency using:git/sha
- as above including:git/tag
- add git style dependency using git url (url taken from dependency name as it is typed - mirrored placeholder)deps-local
- add a:local/root
Requiring dependenciesλ︎
- add a require expression, for adding a require in a rich comment block for RDDrequire
- simple requirerequire-refer
- require with:refer
- require with:as
- creates a require rather than the more troublesome use
Unit testingλ︎
- creates a deftest with testing directive and one assertiontesting
- creates a testing testing directive and one assertionis
- an assertion with placeholders for test function and expected results
- LSP mode - A guide on disabling / enabling features - if the Emacs UI is too cluttered or missing visual features
- Configure Emacs as a Clojure IDE
- Language Server Protocol support for Emacs