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Focus Modesλ︎

Focus on the code or text being created, without distractions

zZ toggles Zen mode

SPC z a ataraxis focus mode

SPC z f focus current buffer

SPC z n narrow to current buffer

SPC z n remove status bar and window decorations

v SPC z n narrow to selection

Zen Modeλ︎

Zen Mode distraction-free coding for Neovim

Available via the Astrocommunity repository.

Zen Mode configuration for AstroNvim

  { import = "astrocommunity.editing-support.zen-mode-nvim" },
    opts = {
      -- override default configuration
      plugins = {
        options = {
          enabled = true,
        kitty = {
          enabled = true,
          font = "+4", -- font size increment

kitty configuration enables Zen Mode to resize kitty fonts.

True Zenλ︎

true-zen.nvim clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim

True Zen Mode configuration for AstroNvim

    lazy = false,
    opts = {
      integrations = {
        kitty = {
          -- increment font size in Kitty.
          enabled = true,
          font = "+4",

See kitty configuration to enable Zen Mode to resize kitty fonts.

Kitty configurationλ︎

Add allow_remote_control socket-only and listen_on unix:/tmp/kitty to the kitty config

Kitty support for Zen Mode

# ---------------------------------------------------------
#  Neovim zen-mode-nvim
#  - change the font size on kitty when in zen mode
allow_remote_control socket-only
listen_on unix:/tmp/kitty
# ---------------------------------------------------------