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Using Neovimλ︎

The fundamental controls of Neovim which apply across all editing tasks.


Multi-modal Editing File Buffer Window and Tab page

Editing Toolsλ︎

Multiple Cursors

Writing Toolsλ︎


Development Toolsλ︎

Comments Clojure Development Version Control

Format and Lint tools are installed via Mason

Keyboard mappingsλ︎

:verbose map followed by a key binding shows the location of the configuration that was last used to set the key mapping. Use when its not clear what command a key mapping is calling or if a plugin is over-riding an expected mapping.

Space f n to list all notifications and Enter on the relevant notification to see the details.

:verbose map <C-Up> shows the last place in the neovim config that defines a mapping for Ctrl+Up.

Map Listing: Neovim docs Key Notation: Neovim docs