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System REPL workflowλ︎

dev/system_repl.clj file provides functions to start, stop and restart the components in the Clojure system. This functions are required into the custom user namespace (dev/user.clj).

Practicalli Project templates creates a dev/system_repl.clj with one of the following approaches

  • (default) Atom reference to restart http server and refresh namespaces
  • :component :donut provides a donut-party/system definition and component management functions, including refresh namepaces
  • :component :integrant provides Integrant REPL: Integrant REPL using Integrant system definition and component management functions, including refresh namepaces

A reference to the http server started by http-kit is held in a Clojure atom named http-server-reference. The reference can be used to stop the http server without requiring a restart of the Clojure REPL.

System REPL - Atom based Restart

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; System REPL - Atom Restart 
;; Tools for REPl workflow with Aton reference to HTTP server 
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

(ns system-repl
    [ :refer [refresh]]
    [practicalli.todo-tracker.service :as service]))

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; HTTP Server State

(defonce http-server-instance (atom nil))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; REPL workflow commands

(defn stop
  "Gracefully shutdown the server, waiting 100ms"
  (when-not (nil? @http-server-instance)
    (@http-server-instance :timeout 100)
    (reset! http-server-instance nil)
    (println "INFO: HTTP server shutting down...")))

(defn start
  "Start the application server and run the application"
  [& port]
  (let [port (Integer/parseInt
              (or (first port)
                  (System/getenv "PORT")
    (println "INFO: Starting server on port:" port)

    (reset! http-server-instance
            (service/http-server-start port))))

(defn restart
  "Stop the http server, refresh changed namespace and start the http server again"
  (refresh)  ;; Refresh changed namespaces
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

donut-party/system is a data-centric configuration that includes functions to :start and :stop each component.

dev/service_repl.clj defines functions to manage the components defined in the Clojure system

  • start the components, optionally passing a named system
  • stop components in the currently running system
  • restart stops components, reloads namespaces and starts components
  • system returns a hash-map of currently running system state

Donut System REPL functions

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Donut System REPL
;; Tools for REPl workflow with Donut system components
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

(ns system-repl
  "Tools for REPl workflow with Donut system components"
   [donut.system :as donut]
   [donut.system.repl :as donut-repl]
   [donut.system.repl.state :as donut-repl-state]
   [practicalli.todo-donut.system :as system]))

(defmethod donut/named-system :donut.system/repl
  [_] system/main)

(defn start
  "Start system with donut, optionally passing a named system"
  ([] (donut-repl/start))
  ([system-config] (donut-repl/start system-config)))

(defn stop
  "Stop the currently running system"
  []  (donut-repl/stop))

(defn restart
  "Restart the system with donut repl,
  Uses to reload namespaces
  `( :after 'donut.system.repl/start)`"
  [] (donut-repl/restart))

(defn system
  "Return: fully qualified hash-map of system state"
  [] donut-repl-state/system)

Donut System configuration

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; practicalli.todo-donut
;; TODO: Provide a meaningful description of the project
;; Start the service using donut configuration and an environment profile.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

(ns practicalli.todo-donut.system
  "Service component lifecycle management"
   ;; Application dependencies
   [practicalli.todo-donut.router :as router]

   ;; Component system
   [donut.system :as donut]
   ;; [practicalli.todo-donut.parse-system :as parse-system]

   ;; System dependencies
   [org.httpkit.server     :as http-server]
   [com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog]))

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Donut Party System configuration

(def main
  "System Component management with Donut"
   ;; Option: move :env data to resources/config.edn and parse with aero reader
    {:http-port 8080
     {:database-host (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_HOST") "http://localhost")
      :database-port (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_PORT") "5432")
      :database-username (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_USERNAME") "clojure")
      :database-password (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_PASSWORD") "clojure")
      :database-schema (or (System/getenv "POSTGRES_SCHEMA") "clojure")}}

    ;; mulog publisher for a given publisher type, i.e. console, cloud-watch
     #::donut{:start (fn mulog-publisher-start
                       [{{:keys [publisher]} ::donut/config}]
                       (mulog/log ::log-publish-component
                                  :publisher-config publisher
                                  :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
                       (mulog/start-publisher! publisher))

              :stop (fn mulog-publisher-stop
                      [{::donut/keys [instance]}]
                      (mulog/log ::log-publish-component-shutdown :publisher instance :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
                      ;; Pause so final messages have chance to be published
                      (Thread/sleep 250)

              :config {:publisher {:type :console :pretty? true}}}}

    ;; HTTP server start - returns function to stop the server
     #::donut{:start (fn http-kit-run-server
                       [{{:keys [handler options]} ::donut/config}]
                       (mulog/log ::http-server-component
                                  :handler handler
                                  :port (options :port)
                                  :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
                       (http-server/run-server handler options))

              :stop  (fn http-kit-stop-server
                       [{::donut/keys [instance]}]
                       (mulog/log ::http-server-component-shutdown
                                  :http-server-instance instance
                                  :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

              :config {:handler (donut/local-ref [:handler])
                       :options {:port  (donut/ref [:env :http-port])
                                 :join? false}}}

     ;; Function handling all requests, passing system environment
     ;; Configure environment for router application, e.g. database connection details, etc.
     :handler (router/app (donut/ref [:env :persistence]))}}})

;; End of Donut Party System configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

Integrant REPL manages Integrant components from the REPL.

Practicalli uses Integrant configuration, resources/config.edn also used by the service when deployed or otherwise calling the -main function of the service.

Integrant REPL functions

;; ---------------------------------------------------
;; System component management for REPL workflow
;; System config components defined in `resources/config.edn`
;; `system` namespace automatically loaded via the `dev/user.clj` namespace
;; Commands:
;; `(start)` starts all components in system config
;; `(restart)` reads system config, reloads changed namespaces & restarts system
;; `(restart-all)` as above with all namespaces reloaded
;; `(stop)` shutdown all components in the system (gracefully where appropriate)
;; `(system)` show configuration of the running system
;; `(config)` system configuration
;; NOTE: standard IntegrantREPL code, maintenance should not be required
;; ---------------------------------------------------

(ns system-repl
  "Configure the system components and provide Integrant REPL convenience functions
  to start/stop/restart components and show system configuration"
   ;; REPL workflow
   [integrant.repl       :as ig-repl]
   [integrant.repl.state :as ig-state]
   [clojure.pprint :as pprint]

   [practicalli.todo-integrant.parse-system :as parse-system]))

(println "Loading system namespace for Integrant REPL")

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; System Configuration
;; - `resources/config.edn` Integrant & Aero system configuration

(defn environment-prep!
  "Parse system configuration with aero-reader and apply the given profile values
  Return: Integrant configuration to be used to start the system
  integrant.repl/set-prep! takes an anonymous function that returns an integrant configuration
  Arguments: profile - a keyword determining the environment - :dev :test :stage :live"

  (ig-repl/set-prep! #(parse-system/aero-prep profile)))

;; ---------------------------------------------------------

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; Integrant REPL convenience functions
;; - enable use of aero profiles (`dev`, `stage`, `prod`)
;; - simplify Integrant REPL commands for managing the system

(defn start
  "Prepare configuration and start the system services with Integrant-repl"
  ([] (start :dev))
  ([profile] (environment-prep! profile) (ig-repl/go)))

(defn restart
  "Read updates from the system configuration, reloads changed namespaces
  and restart the system services with Integrant-repl"
  ([] (restart :dev))
  ([profile] (environment-prep! profile) (ig-repl/reset)))

(defn restart-all
  "Read updates from the configuration, reloads all namespaces
  and restart the system services with Integrant-repl"
  ([] (restart-all :dev))
  ([profile] (environment-prep! profile) (ig-repl/reset-all)))

(defn stop
  "Shutdown all services"

(defn system
  "The running system configuration,
  including component references and specific profile values"

(defn config
  "The current system configuration used by Integrant"
  (pprint/pprint ig-state/config))

;; End of Integrant REPL convenience functions
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

Integrant System configuration

;; --------------------------------------------------
;; System Component configuration - Integrant & Integrant REPL
;; - Event logging (mulog)
;; - HTTP Server  (embedded jetty or http-kit)
;; - Request routing (reitit)
;; - Persistence (relational) connection
;; Components managed in practicalli.todo-integrant.system namespace
;; #profile used by aero to select the configuration to use for a given profile (dev, test, prod)
;; #long defines Long Integer type (required for Java HTTP server port)
;; #env reads the environment variable of the given name
;; #or uses first non nil value in sequence
;; Environment variables should be defined locally and in deployment provisioner tooling
;; --------------------------------------------------

{;; --------------------------------------------------
 ;; Event logging service - mulog

 {;; Type of publisher to use for mulog events
  ;; Publish json format logs, captured by fluentd and exposed via OpenDirectory
  :mulog #profile {:dev  {:type :console-json :pretty? true}

                   ;; Multiple publishers using Open Zipkin service (started via docker-compose)
                   :docker  {:type :multi
                             [{:type :console-json :pretty? false}
                              {:type :zipkin :url "http://localhost:9411/"}]}

                   :prod {:type :console-json :pretty? false}}}

 ;; --------------------------------------------------
 ;; HTTP Server - embedded service

 {;; Router function passed into the HTTP server form managing requests/responses
  :handler #ig/ref :practicalli.todo-integrant.system/router

  ;; Port number (Java Long type) - environment variable or default number
  :port  #long #or [#env HTTP_SERVER_PORT 8080]

  ;; Join REPL to HTTP server thread
  :join? false}

 ;; --------------------------------------------------
 ;; persistence - connection to relational storage

 ;; TODO: add database connection pool ?

 {:host #or [#env DATABASE_HOST "localhost"]
  :port #or [#env DATABASE_PORT 3306]
  :username #or [#env DATABASE_USERNAME "gameboard"]
  :password #or [#env DATABASE_PASSWORD "trustnoone"]}

 ;; --------------------------------------------------
 ;; Data provider services
 ;; - connection to services that provide eSports data

 {;; external data providers
  :game-service-base-url  #or [#env GAME_SERVICE_BASE_URL "http://localhost"]
  :llamasoft-api-uri  #or [#env LAMASOFT_API_URI "http://localhost"]
  :polybus-report-uri "/report/polybus"
  :moose-life-report-uri "/api/v1/report/moose-life"
  :minotaur-arcade-report-uri "/api/v2/minotar-arcade"
  :gridrunner-revolution-report-uri "/api/v1.1/gridrunner"
  :space-giraffe-report-uri "/api/v1/games/space-giraffe"}

 ;; --------------------------------------------------
 ;; routing

 ;; Configure web routing application with application environment
 ;; define top-level keys to access via the environment hash-map
 ;; - :persistence - database connection information
 ;; - :data-provider - url, endpoint, tokens for external services 
 {:persistence #ig/ref :practicalli.todo-integrant.system/relational-store
  :data-provider #ig/ref :practicalli.todo-integrant.system/data-provider}}

Integrant System components

;; ---------------------------------------------------------
;; practicalli.todo-integrant
;; TODO: Provide a meaningful description of the project
;; Start the service using Integrant configuration and an environment profile.
;; A profile is injected into the configuration in the `practicalli.gameboard.environment` namespace
;; and the resulting configuration is used by Integrant to start the system components
;; The service consist of
;; - httpkit web application server
;; - metosin/reitit for routing and ring for request / response management
;; - mulog event logging service
;; Related namespaces
;; `resources/config.edn` system configuration with environment #profile placeholders
;; `practicalli.environment` injects profile & other aero tag values into a resulting configuration
;; ---------------------------------------------------------

(ns practicalli.todo-integrant.system
  "Service component lifecycle management"
   ;; Application dependencies
   [practicalli.todo-integrant.router :as router]

   ;; Component system
   [practicalli.todo-integrant.parse-system :as parse-system]

   ;; System dependencies
   [org.httpkit.server     :as http-server]
   [integrant.core         :as ig]
   [com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog]))

;; --------------------------------------------------
;; Configure and start application components

(defn initialise
  "initialise the system using Integrant"
  (ig/init (parse-system/aero-prep profile)))

;; Start mulog publisher for the given publisher type, i.e. console, cloud-watch
#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:unused-binding]}
(defmethod ig/init-key ::log-publish
  [_ {:keys [mulog] :as config}]
  (mulog/log ::log-publish-component :publisher-config mulog :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  (let [publisher (mulog/start-publisher! mulog)]

;; Connection for Relational Database Persistence
;; return hash-map of connection values: endpoint, access-key, secret-key
;; TODO: add example of connection pool
(defmethod ig/init-key ::relational-store
  [_ {:keys [connection] :as config}]
  (mulog/log ::persistence-component :connection connection :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

;; Connections for data services
(defmethod ig/init-key ::data-provider
  [_ config]
  (mulog/log ::data-provider-component :configuration config :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))

;; Configure environment for router application, e.g. database connection details, etc.
(defmethod ig/init-key ::router
  [_ config]
  (mulog/log ::app-routing-component :app-config config)
  (router/app config))

;; HTTP server start - returns function to stop the server
(defmethod ig/init-key ::http-server
  [_ {:keys [handler port join?]}]
  (mulog/log ::http-server-component :handler handler :port port :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  (http-server/run-server handler {:port port :join? join?}))

;; Shutdown HTTP service
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::http-server
  [_ http-server-instance]
  (mulog/log ::http-server-component-shutdown  :http-server-object http-server-instance :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; Calling http instance shuts down that instance

;; Shutdown Log publishing
(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::log-publish
  [_ publisher]
  (mulog/log ::log-publish-component-shutdown :publisher-object publisher :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; Pause so final messages have chance to be published
  (Thread/sleep 250)
  ;; Call publisher again to stop publishing

(defn stop
  "Stop service using Integrant halt!"
  (mulog/log ::http-server-sigterm :system system :local-time (java.time.LocalDateTime/now))
  ;; (println "Shutdown of service via Integrant")
  (ig/halt! system))

;; --------------------------------------------------