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Database toolsλ︎

DBeaver is a free database tool that supports the H2 database and many other databases.

Create a new connectionλ︎

Create a New Connection and select Embedded > H2 database

Select a *.mv.db file as the path

DBeaver database tool - Embedded H2 database connection

If the H2 driver is not installed in DBeaver, a will prompt will display to download it.

DBeaver database tool - H2 database driver download

Expand the connection to see the schema details

DBeaver database tool - Embedded H2 database connection

H2 database single connectionλ︎

When connecting to the H2 database using a database management tool such ad DBeaver, the database is locked and prevents code from running in the REPL.

Clojure WebApps - H2 Database error - file lock

Close the connection in the database management tool to continue using the REPL.