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Http-kit Server Optionsλ︎

Available options are defined in the doc-string of org.httpkit.server/run-server

Options Description
:ip Which ip (if has many ips) to bind
:port Which port listen incomming request
:thread Http worker thread count
:queue-size Max job queued before reject to project self
:max-body Max http body: 8m
:max-ws Max websocket message size
:max-line Max http inital line length
:proxy-protocol Proxy protocol e/o #{:disable :enable :optional}
:worker-name-prefix Worker thread name prefix
:worker-pool ExecutorService to use for request-handling (:thread, :worker-name-prefix, :queue-size are ignored if set)
:error-logger Arity-2 fn (args: string text, exception) to log errors
:warn-logger Arity-2 fn (args: string text, exception) to log warnings
:event-logger Arity-1 fn (arg: string event name)
:event-names map of HTTP-Kit event names to respective loggable event names
:server-header The "Server" header. If missing, defaults to "http-kit", disabled if nil.
:legacy-return-value? true (default) returns a (fn stop-server [& {:keys [timeout] :or {timeout 100}}]) ; false (recommended) Returns the HttpServer which can be used with server-port, ; server-status, server-stop!, etc.

See Httpkit migration documentation to see the minor difference between Http-kit server and other ring compliant servers like Jetty.