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Lisp style Calculatorλ︎

Lets create a very simple lisp based calculator that works with two numbers as another example of using variable path elements. As its a Lisp calculator, then we will use prefix notation (the 'operator' comes first)

Create a route for the calculatorλ︎

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] greet)
  (GET "/goodbye" [] goodbye)
  (GET "/about" [] about)
  (GET "/request-info" [] handle-dump)
  (GET "/hello/:name" [] hello)
  (GET "/calculator/:op/:a/:b" [] calculator)
  (not-found "Sorry, page not found"))

Create a handler function to add, subtract, divide or multiply two numbersλ︎

(defn calculator
  "A very simple calculator that can add, divide, subtract and multiply.  This is done through the magic of variable path elements."
  (let [a  (Integer. (get-in request [:route-params :a]))
        b  (Integer. (get-in request [:route-params :b]))
        op (get-in request [:route-params :op])
        f  (get operands op)]
    (if f
      {:status 200
       :body (str "Calculated result: " (f a b))
       :headers {}}
      {:status 404
       :body "Sorry, unknown operator.  I only recognise + - * : (: is for division)"
       :headers {}})))

Create a dictionary to look up Clojure function namesλ︎

Define a hash-map called operands to look up the names of the mathematical operations (operands) to the actual functions in Clojure

(def operands {"+" + "-" - "*" * ":" /})

Try the calculator out like follows http://localhost:8000/calculator/*/6/7

The namespace with changes madeλ︎

With all the changes from above, the code should look as follows

(def operands {"+" + "-" - "*" * ":" /})

(defn calculator
  "A very simple calculator that can add, divide, subtract and multiply.  This is done through the magic of variable path elements."
  (let [a  (Integer. (get-in request [:route-params :a]))
        b  (Integer. (get-in request [:route-params :b]))
        op (get-in request [:route-params :op])
        f  (get operands op)]
    (if f
      {:status 200
       :body (str (f a b))
       :headers {}}
      {:status 404
       :body "Sorry, unknown operator.  I only recognise + - * : (: is for division)"
       :headers {}})))

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] welcome)
  (GET "/goodbye" [] goodbye)
  (GET "/about" [] about)
  (GET "/request-info" [] handle-dump)
  (GET "/yo/:name" [] yo)
  (GET "/calculator/:op/:a/:b" [] calculator)
  (not-found "Sorry, page not found"))