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Including Ring in the Namespaceλ︎

Add the ring-adaptor-jetty namespace from the ring library, so we can use the functions from that library.

NOTE::Require the ring-adaptorλ︎

Delete all code in src/todo_list/core.clj and replace it with the following code.

(ns todo-list.core
  (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as webserver]))

The ns expression defines the current namespace as todo-list.core, providing a scope for all the functions and data structures we define within it.

The :require expression makes the ring.adaptor.jetty namespace accessible within the todo-list.core namespace. We can now call any of the public functions in the ring.adaptor.jetty namespace.

In ring.adapter.jetty namespace is bound to the webserver alias, providing a short name to refer to functions from that namespace.

For example, the run-jetty function is called using webserver/run-jetty rather than the fully qualified namespace of ring.adaptor.jetty/run-jetty

Hint::Using aliases for namespacesλ︎

Using :require we can use the :as keyword to specify an alias for a namespace, a short-hand way of referring to a library. You can specify any valid Clojure name for a namespace alias, however please consider the readability of your code and choose a meaningful alias name.

Later in the workshop we will show other options for including functions from other namespaces.