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Create Clojure server projectλ︎

Initially the project is configured with a simple application sever using http-kit and routing defined by compojure library. The ring library is used to generate well-formed responses.

Create projectλ︎

Create a Clojure CLI project from the app template

Using :project/create alias from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

clojure -T:project/create :template app :name practicalli.banking-on-clojure/service :target-dir banking-on-clojure

Add an alias definition to the user configuration for Clojure CLI, eg. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clojure/deps.edn or $HOME/.clojure/deps.edn

{:replace-deps {io.github.seancorfield/deps-new {:git/tag "v0.4.13" :git/sha "879c4eb"}}
 :exec-args    {:template app :name practicalli/playground}}

Consider using Practicalli Clojure CLI Config to simply add a wide range of tools for Clojure CLI

Library Dependenciesλ︎

Add the http-kit, compojure and ring libraries to the project configuration

{:paths ["src" "resources"]
 :deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.3"}
        http-kit/http-kit   {:mvn/version "2.3.0"}
        ring/ring           {:mvn/version "1.9.6"}}}

Configure namespaceλ︎

Add org.httpkit.server, compojure and ring.util.response as required namespaces

(ns practicalli.banking-on-clojure
  (:require [org.httpkit.server :as app-server]
            [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
            [ring.util.response :refer [response]]))

Routing and Request handlersλ︎

compojure provides an abstraction for routing. The defroutes function directs requests to handlers, which are Clojure functions that take a request hash-map as an argument.

The routing is based on the http protocol (GET, POST, etc) and URL.

(defn welcome-page
  (response "Banking on Clojure"))

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] welcome-page))

Defining the application server systemλ︎

A clojure.core/atom is used to hold a reference to application server instance for stopping/restarting the server.

(defonce app-server-instance (atom nil))

A function to start the application server on a given HTTP port number.

The start process sends a timestamped log message to standard out before starting the application server.

The app-server-instance is updated with a reference to the running application server.

(defn app-server-start
  "Start the application server and log the time of start."

  (println (str (java.util.Date.)
                " INFO: Starting server on port: " http-port))
  (reset! app-server-instance
          (app-server/run-server #'app {:port http-port})))

A function to stop the application server, send out a timestamped log message and remove the application server reference.

(defn app-server-stop
  "Gracefully shutdown the server, waiting 100ms.  Log the time of shutdown"
  (when-not (nil? @app-server-instance)
    (@app-server-instance :timeout 100)
    (reset! app-server-instance nil)
    (println (str (java.util.Date.)
                  " INFO: Application server shutting down..."))))

A function to restart the application server, which simply calls the stop and start functions.

(defn app-server-restart
  "Convenience function to stop and start the application server"

  (app-server-start http-port))

A -main function that will be called from the command line, taking an optional HTTP port. If a port number is no provided as an argument, an operating system environment variable called PORT is used or the default 8888 is used.

Using an operating system environment variable is important when deploying the application to a cloud environment.

(defn -main
  "Select a value for the http port the app-server will listen to
  and call app-server-start

  The http port is either an argument passed to the function,
  an operating system environment variable or a default value."

  [& [http-port]]
  (let [http-port (Integer. (or http-port (System/getenv "PORT") "8888"))]
    (app-server-start http-port)))

REPL driven development helpersλ︎

A comment block is added at the end of the code to show how to start/stop/restart the web application, along with a few useful expressions.

  ;; Start application server - via `-main` or `app-server-start`
  (app-server-start 8888)

  ;; Stop / restart application server
  (app-server-restart 8888)

  ;; Get PORT environment variable from Operating System
  (System/getenv "PORT")

  ;; Get all environment variables
  ;; use a data inspector to view environment-variables name
  (def environment-variables

  ;; Check values set in the default system properties
  (def system-properties

The Complete code so farλ︎

(ns practicalli.banking-on-clojure
  (:require [org.httpkit.server :as app-server]
            [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
            [ring.util.response :refer [response]]))

;; ---------------------------------------
;; Request handlers

(defn welcome-page
  (response "Banking on Clojure"))
;; ---------------------------------------

;; ---------------------------------------
;; Request Routing

(defroutes app
  (GET "/" [] welcome-page))
;; ---------------------------------------

;; ---------------------------------------
;; System

;; Reference to application server instance for stopping/restarting
(defonce app-server-instance (atom nil))

(defn app-server-start
  "Start the application server and log the time of start."

  (println (str (java.util.Date.)
                " INFO: Starting server on port: " http-port))
  (reset! app-server-instance
          (app-server/run-server #'app {:port http-port})))

(defn app-server-stop
  "Gracefully shutdown the server, waiting 100ms.  Log the time of shutdown"
  (when-not (nil? @app-server-instance)
    (@app-server-instance :timeout 100)
    (reset! app-server-instance nil)
    (println (str (java.util.Date.)
                  " INFO: Application server shutting down..."))))

(defn app-server-restart
  "Convenience function to stop and start the application server"

  (app-server-start http-port))

(defn -main
  "Select a value for the http port the app-server will listen to
  and call app-server-start

  The http port is either an argument passed to the function,
  an operating system environment variable or a default value."

  [& [http-port]]
  (let [http-port (Integer. (or http-port (System/getenv "PORT") "8888"))]
    (app-server-start http-port)))
;; ---------------------------------------

;; ---------------------------------------
;; REPL driven development helpers

  ;; Start application server - via `-main` or `app-server-start`
  (app-server-start 8888)

  ;; Stop / restart application server
  (app-server-restart 8888)

  ;; Get PORT environment variable from Operating System
  (System/getenv "PORT")

  ;; Get all environment variables
  ;; use a data inspector to view environment-variables name
  (def environment-variables

  ;; Check values set in the default system properties
  (def system-properties
;; ---------------------------------------