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Ring - request mapλ︎

Key Always Present? Type Description
:async-supported? Y boolean True if this request supports asynchronous operation
:body Y ServletInputStream The body of the request. May be a zero-length stream.
:content-type N String Present if sent by client. Content type of the request body.
:content-length N Long Present if sent by client. Content length of the request body.
:character-encoding N String Present if sent by client. Character encoding applicable to request body.
:edn-params N Any
:form-params N Map of keyword -> String
:headers Y Map of String -> String Request headers sent by the client. Header names are all converted to lower case.
:json-params N Map of String -> String
:params N Map of keyword or String -> String Query params. See :query-params.
:path-info Y String Request path, below the context path. Always at least "/", never an empty string.
:path-params N Map of keyword -> String Present if the router found any path parameters.
:protocol Y String Name and version of the protocol with which the request was sent
:query-params N Map of keyword -> String
:query-string Y String The part of the request's URL after the '?' character.
:remote-addr Y String IP Address of the client (or the last proxy to forward the request)
:request-method Y Keyword The HTTP verb used to make this request, lowercase and in keyword form. For example, :get or :post. :put and :delete request methods via a query parameter :_method
:server-name Y String Host name of the server to which the request was sent
:server-port Y int Port number to which the request was sent
:scheme Y String The name of the scheme used to make this request, for example, http, https, or ftp.
:ssl-client-cert N[] Present if sent by client. Array of certificates that identify the client.
:transit-params N Any data structure
:uri Y String The part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP request