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Simple database exampleλ︎

Create a project called simple database

clojure -T:project/new :template app :name practicalli/simple-database

Edit the deps.edn file in the root of the project directory.

In the :deps hash-map, add next.jdbc library as dependency and add a :dev alias could include an :extra-deps section for the H2 driver

{:deps {org.clojure/clojure        {:mvn/version "1.10.1"}
        org.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.1.569"}}}

  {:extra-deps {com.h2database/h2 {:mvn/version "1.4.200"}}}}

{% tabs repl="In the REPL", project="In a Clojure Project" %}

{% content "repl" %}

Using next.jdbc in a REPL sessionλ︎

In a terminal window, change to the root directory of the simple-database project.

Start a Rebel REPL from the root of the new project

cd simple-project

clojure -M:repl/rebel
The first time libraries are used they are downloaded and cached locally (~/.m2/repository)

clojure webapps database repl simple database rebel dependencies

Require the next.jdbc namespace using an alias called jdbc

(require '[next.jdbc :as jdbc])

Define a database specification containing the details of the H2 database to be used

(def db-specification {:dbtype "h2" :dbname "address-book"})

Hint::Database driver lookupλ︎

The :dbtype (:classname) is used to find the correct database driver

Define a data source that is a connection to the database

(def data-source (jdbc/get-datasource db-specification))

Create a table in the database using a standard SQL statement

  ["create table contacts (
     id int auto_increment primary key,
     name varchar(32),
     email varchar(255))"])

An file is created in the root of the project

Insert an entry into the database by executing an SQL insert query

  ["insert into contacts(name,email)
    values('Jenny Jetpack','')"])

View all the records added to the database (there should be only one)

  ["select * from address"])

Clojure webapps database repl simple database execute select all

To delete all the records in the database, drop the contacts table in the database

  ["drop table contacts"])

Clojure webapps database repl simple database execute drop table

{% content "project" %}

Edit the file src/practicalli/simple-database.clj from the simple-database project.

Update the practicalli.simple-database namespace definition with a require statement for next.jdbc

(ns practicalli.simple-database
  (:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]))

Define a data source for the H2 database

(def db-specification {:dbtype "h2" :dbname "address-book"})

Define a data source that is a connection to the database

(def data-source (jdbc/get-datasource db-specification))

Create a table in the database using a standard SQL statement

  ["create table contacts (
     id int auto_increment primary key,
     name varchar(32),
     email varchar(255))"])

An file is created in the root of the project

Insert an entry into the database by executing an SQL insert query

  ["insert into contacts(name,email)
    values('Jenny Jetpack','')"])

View all the records added to the database (there should be only one)

  ["select * from address"])

To delete all the records in the database, drop the contacts table in the database

  ["drop table contacts"])

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