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Ring specificationλ︎

Information to complement the ring projects

Ring provides a defacto web standard that the majority of server-side web appliications use

  • request (Clojure hash-map)
  • response (Clojure hash-map)
  • handler (Clojure function)
  • middleware (Clojure function)
  • adaptor (Clojure function / wrapper)

Routing requests to handlers is typially managed by functions or libraries used in conjunction with ring, e.g reitit or compojure

Ring request mapλ︎

Ring represents HTTP requests as simple Clojure maps, whose keys are drawn from the Java Servlet API and the official documentation RFC2616 – Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/ 1.1 ( http:// www.w3. org/ Protocols/ rfc2616/ rfc2616. html ).

A request map contains the following keys:

  • :server-port the port the HTTP server was listening for the request
  • :server-name the resolved name or IP address of the server handling the request
  • :remote-addr IP address of the client that made the request
  • :uri the path to the requested resource (the part of the URL address after the domain name)
  • :query-string the HTTP query string if included in the request. e.g. has a request map that includes :query-string "topic=clojure".
  • :scheme protocol used to make the request as a keyword, i.e. :http for HTTP request and :https for Secure HTTP
  • :request-method HTTP method used to make the request as keyword, one of :get, :post, :put, :delete, :head or :options
  • :headers hash-map of header names and values, e.g: {:headers {"content-type" "text/html" "content-length" "500" "pragma" "no-cache"}}
  • :body a string of the request body (e.g. contents of an HTTP POST request)

Request maps are not restricted to these top level keys. Middleware is commonly used to mutate the request map by adding keys.

See the reference page for a Clojure request map

Response mapsλ︎

Ring represents an HTTP response as a simple Clojure map.

The response map contains only three keys:

  • :status HTTP status code of the response as an integer, such as 200 or 403. A full list of HTTP status codes is made available as part of the RFC2616, and can be viewed at
  • :headers contains a map of header names (string) to header values, similar to the request map.
  • :body the body of the response as one of the following four types, and the behavior will change for each:
  • String - the body is sent directly to client
  • ISeq - each element of the sequence is sent to client as a String
  • File - contents of the file sent to client
  • InputStream - contents of the stream sent to the client, after which the stream is closed

An example of a simple Hello World! response map can look like this:

{:status 200 
 :headers {" Content-Type" "text/ html"} 
 :body "<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>"}


A handler is a Clojure function that accepts a request map and returns a response map.

an example handler function:

(defn hello-world 
  "Returns an Hello World Response Map" 
  {:status 200 
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"} 
   :body "<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>"}) 

Handlers are the core of the application.

Typically our URLs will map one-to-one with a handler.

create a handler and configure a route to use that handler too generate a response.

Open the src/practicalli/routes/home.clj file.

Above the call to defroutes, add the following handler:

(defn hello-world 
  {:status 200 
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"} 
   :body "<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>"})

Define a get request for an /about URI route that calls the hello-world handler:

(GET "/about" [] (foo-response)) 

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/about in a browser and see a simple Hello World! page.


Middleware are functions that sit between the adapter and the handler and can be assigned to one or more routes.

A middleware function accepts a handler function and returns a new handler function.

Middleware functions can update the request or response map (adding keys, changingg values, coercing types or logging request and response maps) before passing it on to the handler function.

An example: a middleware function which adds a :friday? key to the request map which is used in the hello-world handler :

Edit the src/practicalli/middleware.clj file.

Add the following middleware function, which takes a handler and returns a new handler function (which in turn adds a new key to the request map and calls the next handler in the chain):

(defn friday? 
  (fn [request] 
  (let [request (assoc request :friday? true)] 
    (handler request)))) 

In the middleware definition add the friday? middleware function call:

(def middleware [go-bowling? wrap-error-page wrap-exceptions])

In the src/practicalli/routes/home.clj adjust the :body value in our hello-world handler to include a message based on the :friday? key value on the request map.

Adjust the handler function parameters to accept the request map:

(defn hello-world 
  {:status 200 
   :headers {" Content-Type" "text/html"} 
   :body (str "<html><body> <dt>Is it Friday?</dt>""<dd >"(:friday? request)"</dd></body></html>")}) 

Change the /about route to make use of the request map:

(GET "/ about" request (hello-world request))

Refresh the browser page at http://localhost:3000/about and see the middleware in action!

Ring Wiki: Middleware concepts has further details on middleware and it's use in Ring


Adapters translate between the HTTP protocol and Clojure data, greatly simplifying all Clojure web applications.

An adapter converts an incoming HTTP request into a Clojure request hash-map and passes the request to the Clojure web application. The adaptor converts the Clojure response hash-map into the appropriate servlet HTTP response, sending that HTTP respose back to the client.

The Ring library comes with a Jetty adapter ([ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.3.0"]) which sits between a Jetty servlet container and the rest of the application stack.

Http-kit also provides a ring compatible adaptor for its HTTP server.