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Jetty Server Optionsλ︎

Option keys available to pass to the run-jetty function from ring.adaptor.jetty

Option Description
:configurator a function called with the Jetty Server instance
:async? if true, treat the handler as asynchronous
:async-timeout async context timeout in ms (defaults to 0, no timeout)
:async-timeout-handler an async handler to handle an async context timeout
:port the port to listen on (defaults to 80)
:host the hostname to listen on
:join? blocks the thread until server ends (defaults to true)
:daemon? use daemon threads (defaults to false)
:http? listen on :port for HTTP traffic (defaults to true)
:ssl? allow connections over HTTPS
:ssl-port the SSL port to listen on (defaults to 443, implies :ssl? is true)
:ssl-context an optional SSLContext to use for SSL connections
:exclude-ciphers when :ssl? is true, additionally exclude these cipher suites
:exclude-protocols when :ssl? is true, additionally exclude these protocols
:replace-exclude-ciphers? when true, :exclude-ciphers will replace rather than add to the cipher exclusion list (defaults to false)
:replace-exclude-protocols? when true, :exclude-protocols will replace rather than add to the protocols exclusion list (defaults to false)
:keystore the keystore to use for SSL connections
:keystore-type the keystore type (default jks)
:key-password the password to the keystore
:keystore-scan-interval if not nil, the interval in seconds to scan for an updated keystore
:thread-pool custom thread pool instance for Jetty to use
:truststore a truststore to use for SSL connections
:trust-password the password to the truststore
:max-threads the maximum number of threads to use (default 50)
:min-threads the minimum number of threads to use (default 8)
:max-queued-requests the maximum number of requests to be queued
:thread-idle-timeout Set the maximum thread idle time. Threads that are idle for longer than this period may be stopped (default 60000)
:max-idle-time the maximum idle time in milliseconds for a connection (default 200000)
:client-auth SSL client certificate authenticate, may be set to :need,:want or :none (defaults to :none)
:send-date-header? add a date header to the response (default true)
:output-buffer-size the response body buffer size (default 32768)
:request-header-size the maximum size of a request header (default 8192)
:response-header-size the maximum size of a response header (default 8192)
:send-server-version? add Server header to HTTP response (default true)