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Delete Records in the databaseλ︎

Using next.jdbc.sql functions provides a Clojure data structures approach, where as next.jdbc/execute! uses specific SQL statement code.

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Generic delete record functionλ︎

Use the generic delete function from the database schema design section

(defn delete-record
  "Insert a single record into the database using a managed connection.
  - table - name of database table to be affected
  - record-data - Clojure data representing a new record
  - db-spec - database specification to establish a connection"
  [db-spec table where-clause]
  (with-open [connection (jdbc/get-connection db-spec)]
    (jdbc-sql/delete! connection table where-clause)))

Delete an existing account_holder recordλ︎

Call the delete-record function with the development database specification, the table name and a where clause to locate the specific record to delete. This where clause should use a unique value, e.g. the primary key for the table.

  (delete-record db-specification-dev :public.account_holders {:account_holder_id "0bed6afe-6740-46a1-b924-36ef192eac66"})

If the record deletion is successful then :update-count 1 value is returned

  ;; => #:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}

Deleting an existing account recordλ︎

Update an existing record in the public.accounts table, providing new values for current_balance and last_updated columns.

(delete-record db-specification-dev :public.accounts {:account_number "1234567890"})

Deleting an existing transaction recordλ︎

Update an existing record in the public.transaction_history table.

(delete-record db-specification-dev :public.transaction_history {:transaction_id  "8ac89cfc-6874-4ebe-9ee4-59b8c5e971ff"})

{% content "sql" %}

Insert account_holdersλ︎

Insert accountsλ︎

Insert transactionsλ︎

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Hint::Generating example data from Clojure Specλ︎

Clojure Spec: generate mock database data