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Common Leadership Styles

Leadership is about owning the responsibility for the collective actions of a group or organisation as a whole.

Leaders should be inspirational and motivational, encouraging the people they lead to use and maximise their skills for the benefit of the organisation and themselves.

An effective leader:

  • exudes empathy for others which increases levels of communication and trust
  • has situational awareness and takes an holistic approach to challenges and solutions
  • effectively communicates vision and direction across all people and teams
  • a source of inspiration to all those around them
  • supports people to bring out the best of them, increasing employee satisfaction

An organisation becomes more effective when leaders can take a predominantly servant-leader approach role, dedicating themselves to those they are responsible for.

Red berries - Leading by example

Monkeys are afraid to eat red berries until they see another monkey eat them and see that they are safe.

A leader should do actions and behaviour they wish to see in others as an effective way to encourage those they lead to do the same.

Anti-pattern: Control

It is an illustion that people can be controllled, certainly not without violent action.

Actions that attempt to drive control over others distroy trust and greatly limit communication. Given all collaborative work relies on trust and communication, that work will eventually fail.

Micro-management demonstrates a derth of trust from leaders to those they should otherwise be nurturing.

Anti-patter: Ego

Leadership should not be about one persons ego or career progression.

Excessive ego is a sign of weakness.

Taking sole credit for others work is an insideous action and such behaviour doesnt belong anywhere near a leadership position (or any one who considers themselves a decent human being)

Ten Common Leadership Styles

Coach drives motivation

Visonary progress focused and inspirational

Servant is hunble and protective

Autocratic authoritarian and result-focused

Laissez-far (hands-off) autocratic and delegatory

Democratic supportive and innovative

Pacesetter helpful and motivational

Transformational challenging and communicative

Transactional performace focused

Bureaucratic hierachical and duty-focused

Servant leadershipλ︎

Leaders are there for the people they lead, putting the needs and success of those they lead first and foremost.

A servant leader shares power, puts the needs of the employees first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.[1] Instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people.

Stewards who are entrusted to develop and empower followers to reach their fullest potential

The traits of a servant leader:

  • empathy & deep listening
  • foresight and awareness
  • stewardship, persuasion & healing
  • commitment to the growth of people
  • building community

🌐 Wikipedia - Servant Leadership

🌐 Atlassian - Putting People First: Servant Leadership