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Create figwheel projectsλ︎

clj-new uses the Leiningen template format and some template developers will include project configuration for Clojure CLI. Each template designer is responsibility as to which project and build tools it supports.

The figwheel-main template provides an option to create a Leiningen or Clojure CLI project and clj-new will create a Clojure CLI configuration by default.

Where a template only provides a Leiningen configuration, dependencies listed in project.clj should be added to the :deps section of deps.edn. dev-dependencies in project.clj should be satisfied by aliases in the project or user-level deps.edn configuration.

ClojureScript project using figwheelλ︎

Use the figwheel-main template to create a ClojureScript project that uses figwheel-main to manage the build.

In a terminal, use the following command:

clojure -M:project/new figwheel-main practicalli/hello-world -- --reagent

The :project/new alias is defined in practicalli/clojure-deps-edn user-level configuration and supports -M, -X and T execution flags. The -X and -T flags use a command with key value arguments

clojure -T:project/new :template figwheel-main :name practicalli/landing-page :args '["+reagent"]'

The practicalli/hello-world defines the main application namespace as hello-world and practicalli as the domain.

-- after the name tells clj-new to pass the following text to the template.

--reagent is a template option to add reagent React-style library dependencies to the generated project. --rum and --react are other React-style libraries that could be used instead of --reagent