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Figwheel Projectsλ︎

ClojureScript and Figwheel-main banner

A ClojureScript project should contain dependencies for the Clojure and ClojureScript libraries, which are managed by the build tool (Clojure CLI tools or Leiningen) just like any other dependency.

figwheel-main provides additional tooling for REPL driven development, including live updates to the browser REPL and test runner.

Use the figwheel-main template to generate a working ClojureScript project with Figwheel-main, optionally including reagent and other react.js style libraries.


Figwheel Main compiles the project when first run and creates a JavaScript application that is launched in the browser.

On every save of ClojureScript code figwheel-main automatically compiles the changes and injects them into the JavaScript application running in the browser, providing instant feedback as the project developers.

figwheel and figwheel-main

figwheel is the original tool that has been replaced by figwheel-main. The configuration between the two tools is incompatible, however, the ClojureScript code should work when migrated to a figwheel-main project configuration.

Figwheel templateλ︎

figwheel-main template creates a Clojurescript project with configuration to run the Figwheel-main build tool.

The figwheel-main template takes several options, --reagent, --rum and --om, each of which creates a basic project with the respective libraries.

The -- between the project name and --reagent option ensures this option is passed to the template, rather than being passed to Leiningen itself.

With Practicalli Clojure CLI config installed, a ClojureScipt project with figwheel and reagent is created with the follwoign command in a terminal

clojure -T:project/new :template figwheel-main :name practicalli/landing-page :args '["--reagent"]'

Working with Editorsλ︎

Clojure aware editors support ClojureScript too.

Run project via terminal if issues using an editor

Running a ClojureScript project on the command line is a quick way to ensure the ClojureScipt project works, should there be issues with the configuration of an Editor


Google Closure Compiler

ClojureScript uses the Google Closure compiler and build tools that require a Java Virtual machine. The Google Clojure tools provide highly optimal JavaScript code and eliminates and code not called from the final build.

Self-hosted options include Plank and Lumo. ClojureScript Next and Bootstrapped ClojureScript FAQ elaborate on the advantages and challenges for self-hosted ClojureScript.