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Practicalli Project Spring 2023

Clojurists Together Logo

Due to covid illness during 2022 the planned work has been spread over late 2022 - early 2023.

General tasksλ︎

Contributions to other open source projects

Practicalli Clojureλ︎

  • Packaging Clojure projects with tools build
  • Practicalli Project Templates for seancorfield/deps-new project, including Dockerfile, Makefile, code quality check & megalinter GitHub workflows
  • Major book re-write to focus on Clojure CLI and a REPL Reloaded workflow
    • REPL reloaded and associated aliases created in Practicalli Clojure CLI Config
    • Intro to Clojure CLI, how to use and define aliases, exec options
    • practicalli approach to designing aliases, discussing composability focused design
    • refactor and update Clojure Editor section - creating several new books
  • Simplify practicall/clojure-cli-config
    • add :repl/reloaded & :dev/reloaded aliases to support REPL Reloaded workflow
    • remove unused aliases to the deps-deprecated.edn file
  • using Make for a consistent command line experience across projects
  • Format clojure code - cljstyle, cljfmt, eastwood, kibit

New Book: Engineering Playbookλ︎

Specific guides (plays) to common software engineering tasks covering a range of practices and tools

Practicalli Clojure Web Servicesλ︎

  • Service REPL Workfow added, including
  • Aero parsing of system configuration and tag literals
  • Integrant REPL for a repl reloaded workflow when building clojure services
  • Integrant to manage system components at Clojure Service runtime
  • GitHub template for a Clojure project including, format tools configuration, Makefile task automation, Dockerfile and REPL reloaded user namespace
  • Practicalli Service template for seancorfield/deps-new project with http-kit, reitit, mulog, including Dockerfile, Makefile, code quality check & megalinter GitHub workflows

New Book: Practicall VSpaceCodeλ︎

Started a guide to using VSpaceCode for clojure development, bringing VS Code, Calva and vim-style editing together as an effective tool.

Key bindings for Calva were submitted and merged to VSpaceCode

Additional settings and key bindings were created to enhance the experience.

Blog postsλ︎

New articles:
