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Practicalli Project Update 5

Clojurists Together Logo

A range of updates, new content and tool reviews and testing. Helping lots of students on Exercism in the last week.

Practicalli Study Groupλ︎

Getting back to some important basics of Clojure, walking through several coding challenges (to support mentoring efforts there).

Practicalli Clojureλ︎

Reviewed the Introduction and Getting Started sections, improving the flow and providing a solid introduction to Clojure.

New sections * Using Clojure CLI tools - common tasks - with accompanying broadcast * Community Tools providing a detailed guide to tools built on Clojure CLI. * Code Analysis - install and configuring clj-kondo * Neovim and Conjure install guide * Neovim and Conjure user guide

Updated Clojure CLI tools version used with CircleCI and updating scripts to use -M flag with aliases.

Evaluated Spacevim to see if it should be added to the recommended Clojure aware editors. An issue was found running the Clojure CLI tools REPL on Linux, along with a quick fix. Although the configuration of vim packages is excellent and a very impressive overall experience. the Clojure environment is very basic and would welcome modernizing. Ideally adding Conjure to SpaceVim would produce an excellent development experience.

Practicalli clojure-deps-ednλ︎

Updates and fixes to the user level configuration for Clojure CLI projects

  • Add :middleware/cider-clj and :middleware/cider-clj-refactor aliases to allow connections to a running REPL from Cider (and should also work for Calva).
  • practicalli/live middleware/clojure-clj-refactor: add documentation
  • Clojure CLI config precedence - added graphic
  • Added Common development tasks
  • kaocha test runner: fix for 1.0.700 release
  • Update group-id of deps-deploy (#3)

Practicalli Spacemacsλ︎

New content: * Running specific test groups with test selectors

Updated content: * Line numbers - visual, relative and absolute styles * Repeating searches and scrolling through search pattern history

Cider issueλ︎

Investigated bug with Emacs Cider and the new Clojure CLI tools -M alias flag. Cider modeled Clojure CLI tools support on the approach for Leinigen and this resulted in the -A alias flag occurring out of position. The clojure command does work this way, only since the -M flag has been introduced that the issue became visible. The fix organises the arguments in the correct position * Issue: Clojure CLI command parameters order incorrect * PR: jack-in: move Clojure-cli parameter global-opts after -Sdeps

Hacking on CIDER live broadcast to evolve the way cider-jack-in manages aliases. Covers basic elisp print line style debugging and how to hack on the live Cider code running in Emacs.

Clojure CLI support for other toolsλ︎

Reviewed Clojure CLI support for other Clojure aware editors recommended and raised issues and fixes.

Calva issueλ︎

Calva only seems to allow the use of -A flag when using its jack-in feature, so issue #826 raised for awareness of the change in Clojure CLI tools.

Spacevim issueλ︎

Spacevim fails to run the REPL using Command Line tools on Unix systems, picking up the wrong executable name. Suggested a quick hack to fix the issue to help the community create a suitable fix in vimscript.