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Practicalli REPL Reloaded Workflowλ︎

An effective REPL workflow is central to Clojure development. Practicalli REPL Reloaded workflow provides a rich set of tools and minimises the need to restart the REPL

Practicalli REPL Reloaded text

Start the REPLλ︎

Start a Clojure REPL with the :repl/reloaded alias (or include :dev/reloaded alias in an Editor jack-in command or other REPL startup command).

Aliases are defined in Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

Start a rich terminal UI repl and the REPL Reloaded tools

clojure -M:repl/reloaded

A Rebel rich terminal UI REPL prompt provides direct evaluation in the REPL (with autocomplete, documentation, signature hints and multi-line editing)

An nREPL server is started to allow connections from a range of Clojure editors.

Portal Inspector window opens and is connected to all evaluation results and Mulog events that occur.

Rebel REPL Teminal UI

Example Alias Definitions

Start a REPL process with an nREPL server to connect Clojure editors. Providing a Rebel rich terminal UI with tools to hotload libraries, reload namespaces and run Portal data inspector. The alias also includes a path for custom REPL startup and a path to access unit test code, along with a test runner.

{:extra-paths ["dev" "test"]
 :extra-deps {nrepl/nrepl                  {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}
              cider/cider-nrepl            {:mvn/version "0.30.0"}
              com.bhauman/rebel-readline   {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}
              djblue/portal                {:mvn/version "0.35.1"}
              org.clojure/tools.namespace  {:mvn/version "1.4.1"}
              org.slf4j/slf4j-nop          {:mvn/version "2.0.6"}
              com.brunobonacci/mulog       {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
              lambdaisland/kaocha          {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}
              org.clojure/test.check       {:mvn/version "1.1.1"}
              ring/ring-mock               {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
              criterium/criterium          {:mvn/version "0.4.6"}}
 :main-opts  ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline"
              "--middleware" "[cider.nrepl/cider-middleware,portal.nrepl/wrap-portal]"
              "-f" "rebel-readline.main/-main"]}

{:extra-paths ["dev" "test"]
 :extra-deps  {djblue/portal                {:mvn/version "0.35.1"}
               org.clojure/tools.namespace  {:mvn/version "1.4.1"}
               org.slf4j/slf4j-nop          {:mvn/version "2.0.6"}
               com.brunobonacci/mulog       {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
               lambdaisland/kaocha          {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}
               org.clojure/test.check       {:mvn/version "1.1.1"}
               ring/ring-mock               {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
               criterium/criterium          {:mvn/version "0.4.6"}}}

Include the :dev/reloaded or :lib/hotload aliases when starting the REPL with other aliases, using any of the available Clojure CLI execution options (-A,-M,-X,-T).

Alias example from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

Clojure 1.11 Hotload Support

To support Clojure 1.11.x, add an :lib/hotload alias for the library using the latest SHA commit from the add-libs3 branch of library as an extra dependency.

The add-libs code is on a separate , so requires the SHA from the head of add-libs3 branch

  {:extra-deps {org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha
               {:git/url ""
                :git/sha "e4fb92eef724fa39e29b39cc2b1a850567d490dd"}}}
Include the :dev/reloaded or :lib/hotload aliases when starting the REPL with other aliases, using any of the available Clojure CLI execution options (-A,-M,-X,-T).

Alias example from Practicalli Clojure CLI Config

Custom REPL startupλ︎

A Clojure REPL starts in the user namespace. When a user.clj file is on the classpath its code is loaded (evaluated) into the REPL during startup.

Create a dev/user.clj file with libraries and tools to support development and add the dev directory to the classpath.

Create a custom REPL Startup with dev/user.clj

Reload namespacesλ︎

As code and design evolves, expressions evaluated in the REPL may become stale especially when the names (symbols, vars) bound to function definitions are renamed or deleted from the source code. Rather than restart the REPL process and loose all the state, one or more namespaces can be refreshed.

Remove function definitions before renaming

To minimise the need to reload namespaces, undefine function definitions (unbind their name to the function) before changing the names of the function.

Remove a symbol from the namespace, using *ns* which is dynamically bound to the current namespace

(ns-unmap *ns* 'function-or-def-name)
Remove a specific namespace (any functions defined in the namespace are no longer accessible - illegalStateException - Attempting to call unbound function)
(remove-ns 'practicalli.service.utils)
Remove an alias for a specific namespace
(ns-unalias 'practicalli.service.utils 'utils)

Clojure editors may provide commands to undefine a function definition, e.g. Emacs CIDER includes cider-undef to remove the current symbol via nREPL commands contains the refresh function that compares source code files with the definitions in the REPL, removing and re-evaluating those namespaces containing changes.

refresh will manage loading of namespaces with respect to their dependencies, ensuring each namespace can be loaded without error.

Require the refresh function

(require '[ :refer [refresh]])

Use an ns form for the namespace (often added to a custom user namespace)

(ns user
  (:require [ :refer [refresh]]))

Or in a rich comment expression

  (require '[ :refer [refresh]]))

Refresh the namespaces that have saved changes


A list of refreshed namespaces are printed. If there are errors in the Clojure code, then a namespace cannot be loaded and error messages are printed. Check the individual code expressions in the namespace to ensure they are correctly formed.

Reload namespaces with dev/user.clj

Handling Errors

If an exception is thrown while loading a namespace, refresh stops and prints the namespace that caused the exception. (clojure.repl/pst) prints the rest of the stack trace

*e is bound to the exeception so will print the exeception when evaluated

tools.namespace refactor - documentation can be misleading

refresh and other functions were moved to the namespace. The original functions are deprecated, although the new namespace is not deprecated.

Clojure tools.namespace API reference Namespaces Reference -

Hotload Librariesλ︎

Hotload libraries into a Clojure REPL

clojure.repl.deps provides functions to hotload libraries into a running REPL, avoiding the need to restart the REPL and loose state just to use a new library with the project.

  • add-lib finds a library by name and adds it to the REPL
  • add-libs takes a hash-map of one or more library name and version key/value pairs and adds them to the REPL
  • sync-deps reads the project deps.edn file and adds :deps dependencies to the REPL that are not already loaded

Hotload functions are typically called from a rich comment block in a separate dev/user.clj file to avoid being automatically loaded.

Once hot-loaded, a library namespace can be required as if the dependency had been added to the project configuration before the REPL started.

practicalli/clojure-webapp-hotload-libraries is an example project that uses REPL driven development and hot loading of libraries to build a very simple web server using http-kit and hiccup.

Hotload requires Clojure 1.12 & latest Clojure CLI

Install the latest Clojure CLI version and use Clojure 1.12 onward to use the officially released hotload library.

add-libs is an unofficial feature for Clojure 1.11.x and available only in the add-libs3 branch of the now deprecated library.

Hotload simple web server and build a page
  ;; Require if not automatically loaded by the REPL tooling, ie. Rebel Readline
  #_(require '[clojure..deps.repl :refer [add-lib add-libs sync-deps]])

  ;; hotload the libraries required for the server
  (add-libs '{http-kit/http-kit {:mvn/version "2.5.1"}})

  (require '[org.httpkit.server :as app-server])

  ;; Discover which http-kit functions are available
  (ns-publics (find-ns 'org.httpkit.server))

  ;; Define an entry point for the application
  (defn welcome-page
    {:status  200
     :body    "Welcome to the world of Clojure CLI hotloading"
     :headers {}})

  ;; Start the application server
  (app-server/run-server #'welcome-page {:port (or (System/getenv "PORT") 8888)})

  ;; Visit http://localhost:8888/ to see the welcome-page

  ;; Hotload Hiccup to generate html for the welcome page
  (add-libs '{hiccup/hiccup {:mvn/version "2.0.0-alpha2"}})

  (require '[hiccup.core :as hiccup])
  (require '[ :as hiccup-page])

  (defn page-template [content]
      {:lang "en"}
      [:head (hiccup-page/include-css "")]
       [:section {:class "hero is-info"}
        [:div {:class "hero-body"}
         [:div {:class "container"}
          [:h1 {:class "title"} (:title content) ]
          [:p {:class "subtitle"} (:sub-title content)]]]]]))

  ;; Check the page template returns HTML
  (page-template {:title     "Hotload Libraries in the REPL"
                  :sub-title "REPL driven development enables experimentation with designs"})

  ;; redefine the welcome page to call the page template
  (defn welcome-page
    {:status  200
     :body    (page-template {:title     "Hotload Libraries in the REPL"
                              :sub-title "REPL driven development enables experimentation with designs"})
     :headers {}})

  ) ; End of rich comment block

There are several approaches to hotload libraries, including via a terminal REPL UI or in a project with a Clojure editor:

Unit test runnerλ︎

Unit tests are written with clojure.test and reside in a parallel test directory, creating matching _test.clj files for each relevant clojure file under src.

Test runners are highly configurable and can run a very specific set of tests, although Clojure is usually fast enough to run all the tests each time.

Run the tests in a project with the kaocha test runner by issuing the following command in the root of the project.

clojure -X:test/run

Or continually watch for changes and run kaocha test runner each time a file is saved (typically in a separate terminal)

clojure -X:test/watch

Test run will stop on the first failed test unless :fail-fast? false is passed as an argument to either command.

Running Unit Tests in an Editor

Emacs and Neovim can run the kaocha test runner if one of the :repl/reloaded, :dev/reloaded or :lib/kaocha aliases are used to start the Clojure REPL.

Emacs, Neovim and VS Code Calva also have their own built-in test runners. Test and source code must be evaluated in the REPL for the editor test runners to discover this code. Editor test runners to not read code from the Clojure files in src or test directories.

Writing Unit Tests for Clojure Using Test Runners with Projects

Performance testsλ︎

time is a quick way to see if an expression is worth further performance investigation.

(time ,,,) wrapped around an expression will print the duration that expression took to run. This provides a very rough indicator of the performance of code, although as it only runs once then results may vary and are easily affected by the environment (Java Virtual Machine, Operating System, other concurrent processes).

Criterium provides more realistic performance results which are less affected by the environment, providing a better indication of performance to inform design choices.

Criterium tools take a little longer to run in order to return more accurate and consistent performance results.

Require the criterium library

(require '[criterium.core :as benchmark])

Require the criterium library via the ns expression

(ns user
  (:require [criterium.core :as benchmark]))
Or require the criterium library in a rich comment expression
  (require '[criterium.core :as benchmark]))

Wrap the quick-bench function around the expression to run performance testing upon

(benchmark/quick-bench ,,,)

The expression being tested will be called multiple times and the duration and average times will be printed.

Criterium automatically adjusts the benchmark run time according to the execution time of the measured expression. If the expression is fast, Criterium will run it plenty of times, but if a single iteration is quite slow, it will be executed fewer times

Use quick-bench rather than bench

The bench macro is claimed to be more accurate than quick-bench, but in practice, it runs for much longer and doesn't yield significantly different results in most cases

Criterium API Documentation Benchmark with Criterium article

Log and publish eventsλ︎

mulog is a micro-logging library that logs events and data extremely fast and provides a range of publishers for log analysis.

Use the mulog log function to create events to capture useful information about the Clojure system operation. Publish the logs locally to a console or to a log analysis service such as zipkin or Grafana

Require the mulog library

(require '[com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog])

Require the mulog library via the namespace form

(ns your-ns
  (:require [com.brunobonacci.mulog :as mulog]))

Optionally create an event global context, containing information that will be included in every event created

(mulog/set-global-context! {:service-name "Practicalli GameBoard", :version "1.0.1", :env "dev"})

Create events with an identity that contains key/value pairs of data that captures the desired information about the event.

(mulog/log ::system-started :version "0.1.0" :init-time 32)

Start a publisher to see all the events created. The publisher can be to the console or to log analysis tools like zipkin or Grafana

(mulog/start-publisher! {:type :console})

trace provides accurate data around instrumented operations of a single system or over a distributed system. trace data can be used in Elasticsearch and real-time streaming system sudh as Apache Kafka.

trace will track the rate of a complex operation, including the outcome and latency, within the contextual information of that operation.

Consider a function that calls several external services

(defn product-status [product-id]
  (let [stock (http/get availability-service {:product-id product-id})
        pricing (http/get pricing-service {:product-id product-id})]))

Create a trace between the function calls

(mulog/trace ::product-status
  [:product-id product-id]
  (product-status product-id))

trace starts a timer then calls (product-status product-id). Once the execution completes a log an event is created using log and uses the global context. By including the product id in the trace call, information is captured about the specific product involved in the trace log.

;; {:mulog/event-name :practicalli.service/products,
;;  :mulog/timestamp 1587504242983,
;;  :mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4VTF9QBbnef57vxVy-b4uKzh7dG7r7y4",
;;  :mulog/root-trace #mulog/flake "4VTF9QBbnef57vxVy-b4uKzh7dG7r7y4",
;;  :mulog/duration 254402837,
;;  :mulog/namespace "practicalli.service",
;;  :mulog/outcome :ok,
;;  :app-name "Practicalli GameBoard",
;;  :env "dev",
;;  :version "1.0.1"}

Trace function callsλ︎ can trace values, functions and a whole namespace of functions.

Tracing a value will show how that value flows through the code

Tracing a function shows the arguments passed to the function each time it is called and the results. Tracing will identify forms that are failing and also show the results of the function call, helping spotting unwanted nil arguments and parts of a function definition that is failing.

  • trace values, optionally assigning a tag
  • trace-vars dynamically trace a given fully qualified function
  • untrace-vars - remove trace from a given fully qualified function
  • trace-ns dynamically trace all functions in the given namespace
  • untrace-ns remove trace from all functions in the given namespace

:repl/reloaded and :dev/reloaded include the dependency, i.e. org.clojure/tools.trace {:mvn/version "0.7.11"}

tools.trace API Reference

Require the library and refer the trace and untrace functions

(require '[ :as trace])

Require the library using the alias trace

(ns user
  (:require '[ :as trace]))

To trace a value returned from an expression, optionally adding a tag

(trace/trace  "increments" (map inc [1 2 3 4 5]))
;;=> TRACE increments: (2 3 4 5 6)
;;=> (2 3 4 5 6)

Trace a function call and its return value

(deftrace random-function [namespace] (rand-nth (vals (ns-publics namespace))))

Call the function to see the output of trace

(random-function 'clojure.core)
;;=> TRACE t1002: (random-function 'clojure.core)
;;=> TRACE t1002: => #'clojure.core/iteration
;;=> #'clojure.core/iteration

Trace functions can identify which form is failing

(trace/trace-vars practicalli.random-function/random-number)
;;=> #'practicalli.random-function/random-number

Call the function that is being traced and see the error

(practicalli.random-function/random-number 42)
;;=> TRACE t10951: (practicalli.random-function/random-number 42)
;;=> Execution error (ArithmeticException) at practicalli.random-function/random-number (random_function.clj:17).
;;=> Divide by zero

Dynamically trace all functions in the given name space

(trace-ns domain.namespace)

Or remove all function traces in a namespace

(untrace-ns domain.namespace)

Dynamically trace a given function

(trace-vars domain.namespace/function-name)

Remove the trace on a given function

(untrace-vars domain.namespace/function-name)