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Essential tooling for Clojure development

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Clojure development benefits from great tooling focused around an editor.

Autocomplete, refactor tools, diagnostics feedback and syntax highlighting enhance the creation and modification of code.

Evaluating in source code and using data inspectors for the results provides an effective interaction with the REPL.

Practicalli encourages editors that provide user actions driven exclusively via the keyboard and an uncluttered user interface.

Practicalli Clojure provides an overview of Clojure editors and the plugins that provide Clojure support, e.g. Emacs, Neovim, VS Code, Pulsar and Sublime.

Practicalli preferred editors

LightTable was the editor used in the early years of learning Clojure as it was simple to use and provided instant feedback as code was typed.

Once Spacemacs was release, Emacs with CIDER became the predominant editor for many years.

Treemacs and LSP have matured so Neovim and Conjure has been adopted to provide a fast editing environment with streamlined key bindings for Clojure development.

Safeguard against Git Commit Spoofing

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Git Commit Spoofing is where a person uses the Git identity of another person to modify commits pushed to GitHub, assuming they can obtain write permission to a branch or via a PR.

Signing is especially useful for those contributing changes via a pull request. Signing provides greater confidence that the contribution is from a verifyable account.

Working in the Financial sector for many years, signing of commits has become manditory to reduce risk and increase traceability for audit trails.

All Practicalli commits are now signed using a passphrase protected SSH key, registered as a signing key with the GitHub account. All contributions via pull request should be also be signed, either with GPG or SSH keys.