Substitute commandλ︎
or :s
command highlights the matches for a text pattern and substitute for a new pattern
Subsitute the first matching patterns in the current line
If the new-pattern text is ommitted, then substitute deletes the current-pattern occurances, e.g
Subsitute all the matching patterns in the current line, g
representing all occurances in a line
Use %
to specify the current buffer as the scope to change all matches
An inclusive line range can be specified to narrow the search
can be used to represent the current line of buffer
to represent the last line of the current buffer
Match the whole word
Substitute historyλ︎
and the Up / Down will navigate through the substitution history for the current session (from when Neovim was last opened if session was not restored)
Confirm replacementλ︎
c option at the end prompt for confirmation to replace each occurance
y confirms the repacement
l confirms the repacement and quits
n skips the current occurance and goes to the next one
y or Esc to quit substitution
Regular expressionλ︎
regular expressions can be used as a search pattern.
To replace all lines starting with ‘foo’ with ‘NeoVim Rocks’:
Replace all instances of ‘apple’, ‘orange’, and ‘mango’ with ‘fruit’:
Remove trailing blank space at the end of each line:
Matching caseλ︎
option disables the default case sensitive search
Visual Selectλ︎
Use a visual select to search and replace, with confirmation
Note: '<,'>
is automatically included when in visual mode and :
is pressed to start a command
A potentially more effecitve approach:
- visually select the text
to select all matching occurances:%s//replace-text/g