Search and Replaceλ︎
Neovim has several built-in commands to search for patterns in the current buffer and quickfix list can be used to run commands across all the files in a project.
Additional tools that work across all the files in a project:
- Space s s search and replace commands using Spectre
- Space l r to rename symbols using Clojure LSP
multiple cursors for in-place editing within a buffer
Buffer searchλ︎
/ searches through the current buffer, prompting for a pattern to search.
Symbol highlight and dot repeat
# on a word highlights each occurrence in the buffer, n and N to jump backward and forward for each instance.
Change the current occurrence (e.g. cw followed by new word)
Use . to repeat the change after jumping to the next instance.
Substitute commandλ︎
Use the :substitute
) to replace all occurrences of the current-pattern with the new pattern within the buffer.
Replace using substitute command
Add the c
option to confirm each replacement
neovim command examples
Project search and replaceλ︎
Use search to populate the Neovim quickfix list and change occurrences across all the files in the current project, e.g.:
Search word and replace across project using quickfix list
Space f w to search for the supplied word or pattern
Ctrl q opens the search results in quickfix list
Use :cdo
command to search and replace in the quickfix list
Including the c
option to confirm each replacement
Spectre shows occurrences of a pattern throughout all project files, replace individual or all occurrences.
Search and replace with Spectre
Space s is the search and replace menu
Enter a Search pattern and all occurrences across the project are shown
Enter a Replace pattern to see occurrences with their replacement
R to replace all occurrences with the replace pattern
C to replace current occurrence
q adds the Spectre search results to quickfix list to edit occurrences with other Neovim tools