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Focus on the most important part of a buffer or file by folding source code and other text that is not currently needed.

z menu has key mappings to control folds

z a toggle current fold is very convenient for unfolding and folding the last fold.

There are six methods to select folds:

  • manually define folds
  • more indent means a higher fold level
  • specify an expression to define folds
  • folds defined by syntax highlighting
  • diff folds for unchanged text
  • folds defined by markers in the text

fold docs

:help fold

Fold - Neovim docs


z f a ( wraps around matching parentheses ?


Treesitter foldingλ︎

Fold using Treesitter based text objects.

z a will toggle the fold for the current treesitter text object, e.g folds the top level expression that contains the cursor.

Specific text objects can be specified

z f a f fold around top-level form at cursor

TODO: fold with markers