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Notification messages are shown in the bottom right corner of Neovim. Multiple messages are show bottom upwards.

Notifications are set to show for 2 seconds and then are automatically closed.

Notification popups show information, warnings and errors.

nvim-notify example

Message Historyλ︎

History of notifications can be browsed to see more detail and to select the text of a notification.

Space f n lists the history of notifications for the current session

Enter to open the highlighted item in the list in its own pop-up

y y to yank the text of a notification when displayed in a pop-up

AstroNvim Notifications history AstroNvim Notifications history

Noice used for notifications UI

Practicalli Astro config uses Noice to draw the UI for notification messages, command line and popup menus.

Configure notificationsλ︎

Notifications are controlled by 🌐 nvim-notify

  • top_down position of notifications, false shows popups from bottom of screen
  • timeout value controls how long a popup displays, default 3000
  • level of information displayed, level 3 hides less important information, e.g. file write messages, default 5

Practicalli Astro Configuration for notifications

  -- Configure notify popups
    opts = {
      top_down = false,
      timeout = 2000,
      -- log level - 3 hide file write messages - default 5
      level = 3,
      -- background_color = "#000000",