Devoxx - Getting started with Clojure coding

When to use Clojure

Clojure is a general purpose language, so you can use it for any kind of application.

Areas where Clojure really excels include:

  • dealing with data
    • most applications take data, do something with it and return it
  • high scalability through parallelism
    • as Clojure code is mostly immutable, you can run millions of instances for massive processing power

So Clojure is great for webapps, data science, big data, finance industry (banking, trading, insurance, etc), devops tools (log analysis, etc) and anything else really.

You can also use ClojureScript which generated JavaScript that will run in a browswer, or ClojureCLR that will compile to the Mirosoft common language runtime

Examples of companies using Clojure

This is just a small and diverse set of example companies using Clojure for development.

Company Type of applications
UBS Classified
CitiGroup Financial Trading
Netflix Map-Reduce Languges for writing Apps for Hadoop Pig
Large Insurance company Rebuild policy management system
USwitch Creating meaningful data from multiple sources
Daily Mail Runing the high volume site Mail Online
Xively IoT
Mastodon C Data centre analysis (Incanta, Storm)
Thoughtworks Rapid development for clients
LinkedIn Aspects of their social graph
Meta-X Performance art (Overtone, Quil)