Devoxx - Getting started with Clojure coding

Leiningen Build tool

Leiningen (pronounced line-ing-en) is a very powerful build automation tool. With it you can:

  • Create Clojure Projects
  • Define and manage dependencies
  • Run an interactive Clojure environment (REPL)
  • etc.
![Leiningen - build automation for Clojure](../images/leiningen-repl-custom-prompt.png)

Install Leiningen and test it works

Download the install script from and run the Leiningen script in a terminal

On Linux and MacOSX, make the script executable first

chmod a+x lein

I create a ~/bin directory and add it to my operating system execution path ($PATH), placing the lein script in ~/bin so I can call it from anywhere on the filesystem.

Test that Leiningen is installed with the following command

lein version

Output should look similar to:

Leiningen 2.4.3 on Java 1.7.0_45 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM