Devoxx - Getting started with Clojure coding

Show me the docs

Clojure functions are documented by adding a string to the function definition. This doc string can then be viewed by the function doc.

View the documentation for three common functions used in clojure

(doc doc)

(doc apply)

(doc cons)

Here is the doc string for doc

Documentation for the function doc

Writing your own documentation

(defn my-function 
  "I must practice writing clear and meaningful documentation for my functions"
  (str "I should wrie better functions too"))

Documentation for the my-function function

And the is source code too

You can also see the source code of Clojure functions, using the function called source

(source map)

  (source doc)

  (source source)

Source code for the function source

As the documentaiton for a function is part of its definition, by looking at the source of a function you also get the documentation.

Any Clojure aware development tool should also show you at least the syntax of using the function as you type it.