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LambdaIsland Kaocha Test Runnerλ︎

lambdaisland/kaocha (cow-cha) is a comprehensive test runner that support unit testing and clojure.spec generative testing. Clojure and ClojureScript languages are supported.

Kaocha is highly configurable via a tests.edn configuration file in the root of the project.

Clojure CLI Configλ︎

Practicalli Clojure CLI Config configuration contains aliases to run kaocha test runner, using either the -X or -M execution flag.

  • :test/run - run all tests in the project, stopping on first failing test
  • :test/watch - watching for file changes and run all tests in the project, stopping on first failing test
  • :test/env - add supporting paths and libraries for testing projects

Each alias includes :extra-paths ["test"] to include the test directory on the class path, enabling Koacha test runner to find the unit test code.

Define an alias in the project or user deps.edn configuration.

For CI services such as CircleCI or GitLabs, add an alias for kaocha to the project deps.edn file.

Alias definitions for LambdaIsland/Kaocha test runner

Aliases support the -M (clojure.main) and -X (clojure.exec) execution options with Clojure CLI.

{:extra-paths ["test"]
 :extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}}
 :main-opts   ["-m" "kaocha.runner"]
 :exec-fn kaocha.runner/exec-fn
 :exec-args {:fail-fast? true
             :randomize? false}}

;; Kaocha test runner in watch mode
;; clojure -X:test/watch
{:extra-paths ["test"]
 :extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}}
 :main-opts   ["-m" "kaocha.runner" "--watch" "--fail-fast" "--skip-meta" ":slow"]
 :exec-fn kaocha.runner/exec-fn
 :exec-args {:watch? true
             :randomize? false
             :fail-fast? true}}

Libraries and directories containing code to support testing projects can be added to the :test/env alias

{:extra-paths ["test"]
 :extra-deps  {org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.1"}}}

Alias definitions should include :extra-paths ["test"] to add the test directory on the class path, enabling Koacha test runner to find the unit test code.

Run Kaochaλ︎

Kaocha can be run via make tasks, Clojure CLI, or by creating a kaocha script.

Babashka task runner could also be used to develop tasks to run kaocha

Practialli Makefile contains tasks for testing Clojure projects with Kaocha (and many other common Clojure development tasks)

Practicalli Makefile targets for unit testing

Practicalli Makefile includes the following targets for Kaocha test runner

# ------- Testing -------------------- #

test-config:  ## Run unit tests - stoping on first error
    $(info --------- Runner Configuration ---------)
    clojure -M:test/env:test/run --print-config

test-profile:  ## Profile unit test speed, showing 3 slowest tests
    $(info --------- Runner Profile Tests ---------)
    clojure -M:test/env:test/run --plugin  kaocha.plugin/profiling

test:  ## Run unit tests - stoping on first error
    $(info --------- Runner for unit tests ---------)
    clojure -X:test/env:test/run

test-all:  ## Run all unit tests regardless of failing tests
    $(info --------- Runner for all unit tests ---------)
    clojure -X:test/env:test/run :fail-fast? false

test-watch:  ## Run tests when changes saved, stopping test run on first error
    $(info --------- Watcher for unit tests ---------)
    clojure -X:test/env:test/run :watch? true

test-watch-all:  ## Run all tests when changes saved, regardless of failing tests
    $(info --------- Watcher for unit tests ---------)
    clojure -X:test/env:test/run :fail-fast? false :watch? true

# ------------------------------------ #

Run all tests using the following command from the root of the Clojure project. Kaocha stops if there is a failing task, saving time on running the whole test suite.

make test

Use the test-all target to run all unit tests regardless of failures (execept compiler errors)

make test-all

Continually run tests by watching for changes using the :test/watch alias. If a test fails, Koacha will stop the test run and restart from the failing test when a change is detected. Use watch-all if all tests should run regardless of failure.

make test-watch

Clojure test runner - Kaocha - watch mode - failing test, detect change, passing test Clojure test runner - Kaocha - watch mode - failing test, detect change, passing test

Practicalli Clojure CLI Config configuration contains aliases to run kaocha test runner, using either the -X or -M execution flag.

Run Kaocha using the clojure command in a terminal, using the :test/run which runs all the tests in a project unless a test fails, then kaocha will stop.

clojure -X:test/run

Pass :fail-fast? false as an argument to run all tests regardless of test failure.

clojure -X:test/run :fail-fast? false

Continually run tests by watching for changes using the :test/watch alias. If a test fails, Koacha will stop the test run and restart from the failing test when a change is detected.

clojure -X:test/watch

Kaocha recommends adding a bin/kaocha script to each project, although this is optional. The script calls clojure with a suitable alias and allows for arguments to be passed to the command using "$@". Command line options will over-ride the same options in the tests.edn file.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
clojure -M:test/runner "$@"
Use the -M execution option to pass command line flags to the Kaocha test runner.

kaocha --fail-fast

Configuring Kaochaλ︎

Kaocha can be configure by options in a tests.edn configuration file and options passed via the command line (typically added to the bin/kaocha script).

Create a tests.edn file in the root of the project directory and add the default configuration.

#kaocha/v1 {}

The tests.edn file and command line options combine to make the complete configuration for the projects in the test.

make test-config runs clojure -M:test/run --print-config to print out the current kaocha configuration.

Clojure Unit Test - kaocha print configuration Clojure Unit Test - kaocha print configuration

Use the default configuration as the basis for customising kaocha test runner for the current project.

Alternative kaocha configuration with aero

juxt/aero reader literals such as #env, #merge, #ref, and #include can be used to provide different options to the kaocha configuration. For example, a file change watcher can be configured to run unless kaocha is running in CI server environment.

:kaocha/watch #profile {:default true :ci false}


Much of the functionality of Kaocha is provide by plugins

  • profiling - lists the slowest tests for each test category
  • cucumber - bdd style test
  • junit-xml reports - format used by Continuous Integration servers to display results


Show the 3 slowest tests for each category of test, after the test results

As a command line option:

make test-profile

Pass the profiling plugin as an argument to the Clojure CLI alias using the -M (clojure.main) execution option

clojure -M:test/env:test/run --plugin kaocha.plugin/profiling

As a command line option:

bin/kaocha --plugin kaocha.plugin/profiling

Or add the profile plugin to the test.edn configuration

{:plugins [:kaocha.plugin/profiling]}

Example tests.ednλ︎

Practicalli Banking-on-Clojure project is a web application backed by a relational database, using kaocha as the test runner.

:kaocha/tests defines two types of tests. The hash-map containing :kaocha.testable/id :unit defines the configuration for unit tests using clojure.test. The hash-map containing :kaocha.testable/id :generative-fdef-checks are generative tests using clojure spec.

:kaocha/color? and :kaocha/watch use a value dependent on the #profile kaocha is run under.

Banking on Clojure project - Kaocha test.edn configuration

 [{:kaocha.testable/id      :unit
   :kaocha.testable/type    :kaocha.type/clojure.test
   :kaocha/ns-patterns      ["-test$"],
   :kaocha/source-paths     ["src"],
   :kaocha/test-paths       ["test"],
   :kaocha.filter/skip-meta [:kaocha/skip]}

  {:kaocha.testable/id            :generative-fdef-checks
   :kaocha.testable/type          :kaocha.type/spec.test.check
   :kaocha/source-paths           ["src"]
   :kaocha.spec.test.check/checks [{:kaocha.spec.test.check/syms            :all-fdefs
                                    :clojure.spec.test.check/instrument?    true
                                    :clojure.spec.test.check/check-asserts? true
                                    :clojure.spec.test.check/opts           {:num-tests 10}}]}

 :kaocha/reporter []

 :kaocha/color? #profile {:default true
                          :ci      false}

 ;; Run tests of file changes, unless running in CI server
 :kaocha/watch #profile {:default true :ci false}

 :kaocha/fail-fast? true

 :kaocha.plugin.randomize/randomize? false


 :kaocha.plugin.capture-output/capture-output? true

The configuration shows how to explicitly configure different sections, although configuration could be streamlined by using more default values.