Clojure CLI is used to run Clojure code and is extended by a wide range of community tools.
A Clojure aware editor is highly recommended. Practicalli uses the following
- Spacemacs - an extensive and easy to use Emacs configuration
- Neovim and Conjure - a lightweight and highly extensible modal editing experience
Practialli Clojure provides an overview of Clojure editors available
Install Clojure CLIλ︎
Practicalli Clojure Install Guide
Clojure CLI provide a simple and configurable way to:
- Run Clojure programs and tools
- Run an interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) and evaluate Clojure expressions, usually with a Clojure aware editor
- Managing dependencies (via tools.deps) from Maven and Git repositories
Using community tools on top of Clojure CLI tools provides tasks to create, develop, build and deploy Clojure applications and services
Follow the Practicalli Clojure Install Guide to install Clojure and supporting tools.