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Clojure development environmentλ︎

A comprehensive development environment for Clojure, supporting a REPL workflow and static analysis of code via Clojure Language Server Protocol.

Java host platformλ︎

Install OpenJDK to host the Clojure REPL process and run packaged Clojure applications.

Java 17 Long Term Support version is recommended as it is very stable, receives security updates and has the latest highly tested performance improvements.

pkg install openjdk-17

Install Clojureλ︎

Clone practicalli/clojure-deps-edn to add a wide range of community tools to the Clojure CLI

git clone ~/.config/clojure

Use the Linux install with a prefix path pointing to Termux equivalent of /usr/local. Find the path using echo $PATH and remove bin from the end. Without the prefix Clojure will not install correctly

curl -L -O && \
chmod +x && \
./ --prefix /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/

clojure binary is installed in the existing bin, lib and share directories in /data/..../usr/, placing that binary on the system execution path.

Test by calling clojure with the --help option, which shows the options available to the command

clojure --help

Run a Clojure REPL session from a Clojure project configured with a deps.edn file

clojure -M:repl/rebel

optionally install rlwrap package if using the basic REPL terminal UI with the clj wrapper script

Install Clojure LSPλ︎

Visit clojure-lsp GitHub releases page and download the clojure-lsp file

  • visit the relases page in firefox and copy the link to the file.
  • use wget and paste the link to the file to download
  • make executable chmod 755 clojure-lsp
  • test locally ./clojure-lsp --version - should print clojure-lsp version and clj-kondo version
  • copy or move file to path mv clojure-lsp $PATH

If the practicalli/clojure-lsp-config repository was cloned, move or link the clojure-lsp directory to ~/.config/clojure-lsp