Reference: Learn Vim-style Editingλ︎
Learning vim-style multi-modal editing takes time and can be learned in stages
Start with the multi-modal concept and the basics of navigation. Then adopt more normal and visual mode actions, including motions
Interactive Tutorial in Neovim
runs the intteractive tutorial built into neovim (:help tutor
also runs the tutor)
vim adventures is a simple online game to teach the fundamentals of vim-style editing.
Essential commandsλ︎
Before starting Neovim for the first time, you should know these commands:
i to enter insert mode to type text as in any other editor
Esc to leave insert mode and type commands in normal mode
q to quit Neovim
q ! to save files and quit
q ! to quit without saving
Learn to speak Vim-style editing Quick Reference Editing tips for Clojure
Navigation and searchingλ︎
- moving around
- Motions
- G menu: common shortcuts
- Z menu: folds and scrolling
- search and replace