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Neovim Config Reduxλ︎

Practicalli Config Redux has been archived

Practicalli Neovim uses the AstroNvim config.

Practicalli Neovim - effective Clojure programming with Neovim, Clojure LSP and supporting tools


practicalli/neovim-config-redux is a Fennel based configuraion with a wide range of plugins and telescope extensions.

Clone practicalli/neovim-config-redux or create a fork if intending to customise that configuration

git clone ~/.config/neovim-config-redux
git clone ~/.config/nvim


Dashboard using the startup plugin

Neovim startup dashboard with custom theme from practicalli

Mnemonic menu with which-key

Neovim startup dashboard with custom theme from practicalli

Telescope buffer selection

Neovim startup dashboard with custom theme from practicalli

Neogit Git client with diffview panel

Neovim startup dashboard with custom theme from practicalli