Terminal Tools and Fontsλ︎
Neovim is a terminal based application so use of a quality terminal is recommended, e.g. Kitty Terminal (or iTerm2 if only on MacOSX)
External Command line tools support search and other system information based features presented in AstroNvim.
Nodejs supports Language Server protocol servers, format and lint tools installed by Mason.
Kitty Terminal with Nerd Fontsλ︎
Neovim runs in a terminal, so using Kitty (or iTerm2 - MacOSX only) are recommended. Kitty provides Nerd fonts for additional symbols on top of the terminal font, providing a richer experience.
Kitty Terminal - Practicalli Engineering Playbook provides examples of using Nerd Fonts or Nerd Font symbols with the Kitty terminal.
Command line toolsλ︎
- ripgrep text search tool
- fzf fuzzy finder
- gdu
- btm from GitHub repository releases
Install btm from its GitHub repository release page
nodejs for LSP, format & lint toolsλ︎
AstroNvim uses Mason to install LSP servers, format and lint tools. Many LSP servers require node.js to install and function.
Node.js install - Practicalli Engineering Playbook
Node.js Debian packages pull in a large amount of packages and Practicalli recommends installing from the GitHub Release instead