API Toolsλ︎
Astrocommunity proivdes plugins to support working with APIs and the JSON format
Included in Practicalli Astronvim Config
Practicalli Astronvim Config includes nvim-jqx and rest.nvim plugins
Inspect JSONλ︎
Browse and preview json files in neovim.
prettify JSON and start the inspector
to run complex jq
jq binary required
binary should be available on the command line as nvim-jqx runs jq queries internally
Call APIsλ︎
Space r r to run an http request under the cursor from within an *.http
A fast Neovim http client written in Lua, providing a curl wrapper.
http fileλ︎
Open a file with an *.http
Write a call to an API, e.g. a call to a local server health care endpoint
A new window opens with the result of the API call
Result of API call with rest.nvim
GET http://localhost:8080/system-admin/status
Command :curl -sSL --compressed -X 'GET' --data-raw '' 'http://localhost:8080/system-admin/status'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 66
Server: http-kit
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2023 16:21:33 GMT
{"application":"practicalli hole-in-one Service","status":"Alive"}
The Content-Type
can be explicitly set, especially useful when not using JSON