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Striving toward consistency

Thoughts for the week

Will feel good to have all Practicalli website content have a consisten look.

Material for MkDocs really helps me convey information effectively (at least in my own view).

Still have a few covid symptoms, but not as much this week. Usually only in the mornings.

Migrate Practical.liλ︎ has been moved to use Material for MkDocs and is working very well.

As a blog can have pagest too, so it is possible to replace the landing page with a blog webstite.

So I plan to retire the ClojureScript project that generated the current Practicalli landing page and replace it with MkDocs.

The blog project using Material for MkDoc is being extended to include content from the current landing page. So far it looks very promising.

Magit show signaturesλ︎

By default Magit status and log view does not show information about signed commits.

Having used Neovim and Neogit, signed commits is shown by default and provides confidence that signing is working (its a recent approach, so continual feedback is very useful).

Magit can show signature information, but its not immediately obvious how.

  • l for log menu
  • = S signed option
  • l to show the commit log

The Signed option highlights the shortend commit SHA value in green when a commit has been signed locally (SSH or Git).

Commits singed-off via the GitHub website have the shortend commit SHA highlighted in red

Enter on commit show the description, meta data and diff of the commit, but by default does not show if the commit is signed.

  • D when viewing the commit details provides diff options menu
  • = g
  • w to update the current buffer and set signing to show as default

Signed commits will show every time the commit details buffer is viewed.

The format of the sign line in the commit details buffer would benefit from a line to separate it from the file changed list.

Thank you.

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