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Running walking coughing

Thoughts for today

Run Johnny Run... then have a sleepy day.


Ran the first Park Run 5km event in about 3 years. I managed a time of 35 minutes and 26 seconds (although I did drop my water bottle right at the start).

I ran part of the way. It was a mixture of run, jog, walk, jog, walk, stop to have a big cough, jog and final run to the end.

Listened to 'Guns n Roses' first album to help with the motivation and managed to push hard at the end during 'Sweet Child O Mine'.

Cycle club ride was cancelled today due to sub-zero temperatures overnight, increasing the risk of ice on the roads, especially the side roads often used on the various routes.

I'll plan to do Park Run each time the cycling club ride is cancelled, as running should build up more stamina to help with hill climbs when cycling (my weakest part of cycling).

Debian Linuxλ︎

Set up Zsh on the Lenovo AMD laptop using the prezto community configuration.

The prezto configuration includes an option for fish shell style completion, showing the last matching command in full as a command is typed. This completion is a nice complement to the command line history.

A nice dark powerline10k terminal prompt theme was defined and added to the practicalli/dotfiles repository.

Thank you.

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