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Quiet before the storm

Thoughts for the week

Its not as windy as previous weeks, but there is another storm on its way.

Feeling too tired for exercise over the weekend, need to pace myself at work a little better.

Hopefully as the weather gets warmer or at least sunnier it will be easier to do more outside activities.

Practicalli Neovimλ︎

Updating the section on basic use of Neovim, especially around register usage.

Registers feel more useful in Neovim as there is no kill-ring history as provided by Spacemacs. The Neovim registers provides much more opportunities to save text in different registers, although the learning curve is steeper than cycling through kill-ring history in Spacemacs.

Recent commits:

  • basics: add register type summary
  • basics: add visual line and block commands
  • intro: add :help news to features page
  • basics: creating a directory with telescope or commands
  • intro: update conceptual REPL workflow image

Practicalli Blogλ︎

Continuing to migrate the Practicalli Blog, moving from Cryogen to Material for MkDocs.

Cryogen is a very good tool for generating static sites for blogs, with relatively simple to modify templates. However, the templates are not as professional looking as those of Material with MkDocs in my humble opinion.

Cryogen was not really designed for generating websites for the Practicalli books without some heavy modification. I would rather spend time creating the content than maintaining a bespoke tool.

Migrating the articles to Material for MkDocs is mostly updating the header format for each article. However it also provides an opportunity to review and refine each article, improving the prose and using MkDocs features to improve the visual appeal of each post.

Practicalli Blog usng Material for MkDocs


Started watching "See" series on and its reasonably enjoyable. It is a good way to switch off from work whilst I nudge some Practicalli tickets to closed state.


Feeling rough in the mornings, sore throat and lots of coughing. Occasionally feeling exhausted during the day, so need to adjust my pace each day and spread the work more throughout the day.

Thank you.

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