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Practicalli Project Update 6

Clojurists Together Logo

A range of updates, new content and tool reviews and testing. Reviewed 75 solutions for 44 students on over the last two week, adding that advice and code walk-throughs to the Practicalli Clojure book.

Several high-quality REPL driven development videos will be released soon, awaiting some final editing and post processing.

Practicalli Study Groupλ︎

Continued solving challenges for the Live broadcasts, with a request to specifically do the Spiral Matrix challenge * 090 - Code challenges - Space-Age challenge * 091 - Code challenges - Spiral Matrix challenge

Practicalli Clojureλ︎

Add SpaceVim to Clojure Editors in book now the Clojure command line bug is fixed. Continued adding REPL driven development approaches to solving challenges.

Launch Portal data navigator with any REPL using :env/dev and :inspect/portal-cli aliases. The REPL automatically evaluates the dev/user.clj source code file to require portal, open the portal window and add portal as a tap> source

+New sections * bob challenge - walking through two alternative solutions * SpaceVim and vim-fireplace install guide - including clj-kondo * SpaceVim and vim-fireplace user guide - a quick guide to get started.

Updated * Portal - auto-start portal on REPL startup * Clojure CLI tools version used with CircleCI and updating scripts to use latest Clojure CLI tools release and -M flag with aliases. * nrepl and cider aliase for the Reveal data visualization tool

Practicalli clojure-deps-ednλ︎

Updates and fixes to the user level configuration for Clojure CLI projects. Added clj-kondo as a GitHub action to lint all pull requests and commits, ensuring aliases are in a good state.

  • Alternative REPLs: socket server and prepl aliases
  • :inspect/reveal-nrepl to run an nREPL server with Reveal data visualization
  • :inspect/reveal-light-nrepl a light theme version with a 32 point Ubuntu Mono font useful for demos and HiDPI screens
  • :inspect/reveal-nrepl-cider CIDER specific libraries and middleware configuration with :inspect/reveal-light-nrepl-cider as a light version
  • :test/cognitect-precompile alias to compile tests before running Cognitect Labs test runner
  • Monthly update of library versions for all aliases using :project/outdated alias
  • community/zulip-event to add community event to zulip chat
  • test/cloverage add clojure exec options for cloverage (#8)
  • :inspect/reveal-nrepl and :inspect/reveal-light-nrepl Cider specific aliases for Reveal data browser

Practicalli Data Scienceλ︎

Created a new (alpha state) book to provide practical guides to using Clojure tools and libraries to build applications in a data science context. Working with the SciCloj community to raise awareness of what is possible in this space and as I grow my understanding it will be captured in the Practicalli Data Science book.

Practicalli ClojureScriptλ︎

Updated to new Practicalli theme and put all project content first, moving overview and design content to the reference section. The book will focus on figwheel-main, reagent and ClojureScript for the next quarter.

Practicalli Spacemacsλ︎

Update Clojure documentation section to show Clojure and Java documentation functions, including how to navigate to source code and specifications from help.

Hacking CIDERλ︎

  • PR #2926 - Tip to evaluate namespace before documentation lookup - added to Practicalli Spacemacs instead.