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Practicalli Project Update 4

Clojurists Together Logo

Creating more recorded video content around REPL driven development of high quality, improving speed of editing with as well as better script writing and delivery practice.

Represented Clojure at the JVMWars 2020 online meetup, giving a short presentation which included a brief demo of REPL driven development.

Practicalli Study Groupλ︎

Refactored the data-access code into* namespaces to make each namespace have a specific aim. Identified generic functions to reduce repetition in the code.

Added unit test fixture (setup/teardown) to create and delete the H2 database on the fly, using functions in the handler-helper namespace.

Practicalli Clojureλ︎

New sections and Pages: - Unit testing selectors - Unit testing fixtures

New page on the use of test selectors to organise tests and run test suites more effectively. Included examples for LambdaIsland kaocha, Spacemacs, Cider and Cognitect labs test runners.

New page on fixtures for unit tests, with example fixture functions and configuration on when to run fixtures for testing.


Updated Cognitect REBL install procedure, local maven install no longer required.

Updated Conjure configuration and documentation

Screencast Video Editingλ︎

Learned how to use for Video editing which proved to be much more efficient that previous tools used. This will help produce a higher quality of videos for the new series on Clojure CLI tools and REPL driven development.

Practicalli Clojure deps.edn configurationλ︎

Minor updates to the practicalli/clojure-deps-edn user level configuration for Clojure CLI tools. This configuration is alsor recommeded by seancorfield/dot-clojure personal configuration

  • inspect/rebl - link added to updated install requirements
  • updated library versions for: clj-new and depstar update
  • title and alias sub-section in mini table of contents
  • merge project related aliases into one section

Practicalli Spacemacsλ︎

Changes to the practicalli/spacemacs.d configuration for Spacemacs.

  • renamed Git branch to live (update your remote urls)
  • recommending Emacs 27.1 as its the current stable version and it supports ligatures (stylized character pairs).
  • added unicode ligature support (no need for ligature configuration in dotspacemacs/user-config as it built into the unicode layer)
  • Switched to using Fira code font as this has ligature support
  • Updated the doom modeline theme for a nice minimal look without loosing any important information
  • Added font rendering optimizations

Several custom snippets added to the practicalli/spacemacs.d: deprecated and design journal banners, rich code block with clj-kondo ignore duplicate