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Clojurists Together Q3 - Practicalli - Update 1

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Continued support for Practicalli by Clojurists together is much appreciated and there are several hundred content ideas for the continued work.

Highlights of the last two weeks includes:

  • Live broadcasts - continuing the Banking on Clojure project with next.jdbc, H2 database and DBeaver.
  • Database access and design for Banking on Clojure project
  • Updated practicalli/clojure-cli-config repository to use Congnitect dev-tools for REBL and a way to configure CIDER to work with REBL - UPDATE: approach since deprecated in favour of Portal
  • Test drive of Conjure, an impressive Clojure environment for Neovim

Practicalli Project Update 6

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Started series called Banking on Clojure to cover application servers, sql and relational databases. This will cover the full development and deployment workflow, including clojure.spec for specifications and generative testing.

Added more tools to practicalli/clojure-cli-config

Add anchors to all sub-headings across all books, making content easier to navigate by enabling navigation to specific sections in a page. This helps keep relevant information together on one page and reference a specific section from other pages.

Practicalli Project Update 4

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After the broadcasts on Clojure spec, moving on to more tooling centric topics. Starting with Unit test runners for Clojure CLI tool and preparing a series on continuous integration, packaging and deployment.

Flu symptoms have finally eased, so planning video tutorials in the later part of the sponsorship.

Practicalli Project Update 3

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Continued with Practicalli Clojure updates and weekly broadcasts covering Clojure spec and generative testing.

Also updates on Practicalli Spacemacs, including a move to doom modeline theme for a clean and modern look to Spacemacs.

I was still feeling the affects of illness for some of this period, but steadily improving.

Practicalli Project Update 1

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Unfortunately illness caught up with me towards the end of this period, but otherwise I have been busy with the weeekly broadcasts and improvements to the Practicalli Clojure book, updating the install guides to Clojure CLI tools and repl driven development sections.

Day 101: An extra day of code

Added more 4Clojure solutions

def supports a doc-string (I missed that ability previously).

Emacs Window management when running tests in Cider with Spacemacs.

The Logitech MX Ergo trackball mouse arrived today and it is so nice to use. Its a trackball so the mouse itself stays static on the desk avoiding the need to move my hand around and therefore reducing RSI. Using a trackball also means very little space is use. The trackball is tilted so the hand is in a natural and more comfortable position, the same position I configured with my tented Model01 keyboard.