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On-boarding at the new job

Thoughts for today

Balancing enthusiasm to be productive with learning enough first so as not to be dangerous

On-boarding at workλ︎

Meeting more people and starting to understand more specifics about products and the way the company works.

Re-discovering how to use a MacOSX laptop after decades of using Linux. I used a Mac at a company last year and occasionally during 2012-1017 whilst at Salesforce.

The most noticable difference between Linux and MacOSX isthe Command+c/v/x for copy paste cut and using Command key for most things I would used Ctrl, but not everything. Swapping the keys would therefore not be effective. I am starting to get used to Command quicker this time around.

The other big difference is the MacOSX window manager. It seems very mouse driven and all the Apple docs are very mouse focused. Coming from a Linux tiling window manager (i3) the MacOSX desktop seems very complex. The split window feature seemed promising, but it seems limited to two windows (one split). I am trying the stage manager feature which does remind me of one of the early compositors from Linux from a decade ago. Stage manager looks the least painful way to interact with multiple windows, but still seems mouse control heavy.

Hopefully there are key bindings to control more of the MacOSX desktop and I can be more productive.

People have suggested Rectangle as a way to have a more keyboard controlled experience with the MacOSX desktop.

Thank you.

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