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Monthly Library Updates for Practicalli Projects

Thoughts for the week

Monthly updates for Practicalli projects, driven by a scheduled version GitHub workflow that uses antq to report on project library dependencies and GitHub action library versions.

  • Release: Clojure CLI Config - 2024-07-07
  • Release: Project Templates - 2024-07-07

Which-key version 3 released, fixing localleader issue and providing a horizontal menu option.


Which-key version 3 released and resolves the issue with the localleader key mapping not working until after the leader key has been pressed.

New layout options for placement of the menu. I find the vertical nature of the helix layout quicker to read than the horizontal classic or modern layouts.

In AstroNvim, set the layout by adding a config for which-key to a user lua file, e.g. lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua

    opts = {
      ---@type false | "classic" | "modern" | "helix"
      preset = "helix",

Restart Neovim and the which-key will now show the new layout.

Conjure sub-menusλ︎

I've raised an issue to add the conjure sub-menus via which-key.

In the mean time, a quick hack has been added to the lua/plugins/user-practicalli.lua config (although only locally so far)

local whichkey = require "which-key"

    opts = {
      ---@type false | "classic" | "modern" | "helix"
      preset = "helix",

    -- Conjure sub-menus (not the ideal place)
    whichkey.add {
      { "<localleader>c", group = "Connection" }, -- group
      { "<localleader>e", group = "Evaluation" }, -- group
      { "<localleader>l", group = "REPL Log" }, -- group
      { "<localleader>r", group = "Refresh" }, -- group
      { "<localleader>s", group = "REPL Session" }, -- group
      { "<localleader>t", group = "Test" }, -- group
      { "<localleader>v", group = "Values" }, -- group

Thank you.

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