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Monthly library updates

Thoughts for today

The last monthly review of library dependency versions in Clojure CLI Config aliases for 2023

Practicalli Clojure CLI Configλ︎

Many GitHub repositories maintained by Practicalli include a Scheduled Version Check CI workflow, which reports newer versions of project library dependencies and GitHub actions. The CI workflow uses 🌐 antq to check versions.

Antq is used locally via the :search/outdated alias name in Clojure CLI Config to update the libraries which are configured as dependencies in each alias.

oudated is a task defined in the project Makefile that runs Clojure with the :search/outdated and writes the results to a file with the current date/time stamp.

Run outdated task for a report new versions of on library dependencies

make outdated
Makefile outdated task configuration
# Define file name for report with date/time stamp
OUTDATED_FILE := outdated-$(shell date +%y-%m-%d-%T).org

outdated: ## Check deps.edn & GitHub actions for new versions
$(info --------- Search for outdated libraries ---------)
- clojure -T:search/outdated > $(OUTDATED_FILE)

Make - Practicalli Engineering Playbook


A few magic codes and some help and I'm all signed up to Google Workspaces for the new role, so I have no excuse to avoid working on Monday :)

I am actually quite excited about the new role, especially now I have the keyboard wired up to the Mac laptop so I can type at speed again.

Debian Linuxλ︎

Continuing with setup of Debian Linux on Lenovo Thinkpad with AMD chipset. Using trixie enabled the touchpad, so all the hardware is working except for the WiFi adaptor.

Configured Zsh as the default shell with Power10k as the terminal prompt theme. Specific configuration is published in the practicalli/dotfiles repository

Blog ideaλ︎

A summary of the tooling projects created and regularly maintained by Practicalli

  • Clojure CLI Config aliases to extend the functionality with community tools (deps-new, antq, kaocha, etc from more than 30 other aliases)
  • Project Templates to generate new production grade Clojure projects that support the Practicalli REPL workflow
  • AstroNvim user config for Neovim
  • Spacemacs user config for Emacs
Commonly used tools provides via Clojure CLI Config aliases
  • :project/create - production grade templates for new projects, supporting the Practicalli Clojure REPL Reloaded workflow
  • :repl/reloaded - start a REPL process with nREPL server for Clojure editor connection, with REPL Reloaded tools (or :dev/reloaded for editor jack-in)
  • :search/outdated - report newer versions for library dependencies and GitHub actions
  • :search/libraries - find a fully qualified library name and current version (clojure -X:deps find-versions shows last 8 versions)
  • :deploy/clojars deploys libraries to using required signed approach
  • :test/run and :test/watch to run Kaocha test runner once or in watch mode
  • :test/coverage for a Cloverage report on unit test coverage in the project
  • :repl/socket and :repl/socket-client to run a socket REPL server and tubular socket REPL client
  • :service/http runs a nasus http server for local static files
  • :performance/benchmark to add Criterium library for running speed tests on expressions
  • :performance/memory-meter to measure memory usage by the Clojure project

Social visitsλ︎

Catch up with the neighbour who looks after my cats when away and I look after theirs. Making plans for cat sitting over the holidays.

Thank you.

🌐 Website GitHub Org practicalli-johnny profile @practical_li