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Engineering Practices

Thoughts for the week

Illness is all around. Around 12% of people in Germany are currenly ill through covid, flu or a stomach virus. I have some relatively mild symptoms this week.

The hunt for a new place to live continues, investigating lots of facinating places in Scotland. Discovered an Ecopark with sustainably built housing. There is one house for sale and some new builds in the near future. Requested a build plan for the new build houses.

Practicalli plansλ︎

I'd like to focus more on engineering principles and practices this year, adding specific practice guides to the Practicalli Engineering Playbook.

  • Kanban to visualise issues and understand how changes affect the team
  • Decomposing large project into small pieces of work
  • Working towards consistent delivery
  • Behaviour Driven Development
  • Combining Shape-up pitch documentation with effective persona and user stories


Some covid symptoms this week, usually coughing in the morning and lost my voice a few times. More tired by the end of the week than I should be, so have been sleeping more at weekends rather than cycling or walking.

Thank you.

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