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End of line... for 2023

Thoughts for the week

My personal plans for 2024 are not set in stone, but I would like to relocate to the countryside by the summer.

Predictions for 2024

The year of the AI lawsuits as more companies and individuals realise they content has been used to train AI models without permission or recompence.

Anthropocene is declared a new geographic era in the history of the earth, marking the significant change humanity has made to the planet (not for the good).

Wikipedia sponsorshipλ︎

Now I am working again I've started contributing financially to the Wikipedia project. Previously I have donated one-off payments, although this time its a monthly donation.

I use Wikipedia extensively for work so its only right that I give some financial support when I am able.


Included files will use relative path from the current config file being read, if the full path is not used

implicity **/ in front of gitdir file path if it does not start with ~, / or ./

ignore, commit templates, and allowed-signatures files seem to need the full path on MacOSX or can be defined relative to the home directory using tilde ~ expansion, e.g. ~/.config/git/ignore

Practicalli Dotfiles - Git config examples


Creating scripts for two Neovim videos

  • Install and basic use
  • Clojure development with Neovim and Conjure

Switching to Neovide desktop UI for Neovim after testing out the project switching feature using Telescope. Using the project switching tool means I can launch Neovide from the operating system desktop launcher.

Neovide was configured using a neovide shell alias to run with the AstroNvim configuration, in the same way as the astro alias does.

SPC f p in Neovim lists all the projects Neovim is aware of (I assume that are previously opened). Selecting a project prompts to choose a file via the telescope narrowing search dialog.

The project root directory is correctly setup so that all tools work with respect to the current project.

Using Neovide in this way makes Neovim feel more like the experience I am accustom to with Emacs (although runs fast and smooth all the time).

Neovide super smooth cursor movement

I am so enamoured by the smoothness of the cursor movement in Neovide. Its a simple thing, but as I am looking at the screen when touch typing I feel so connected to the editor. Its like my soul is pouring out onto the screen in front of me.

Neovim in the terminal is just as fast, but doent have the smooth glide of the cursor in exactly the same way that Neovide does.

Maybe this will be a short term crush, but its a simple thing that makes me very happy.


A hilly 65km cycle ride on Thursday to burn-off some winter solstace calories. A good time of 2 hours 48 minutes at an average speed of 23.2km per hour.

Gave the bike a nice shower to clean it up after the muddy Thursday ride.

Club or solo ride on Saturday, depending if there is a nice level 4 group to join.

Park run new years day tomorrow, aiming for 35 minutes or less.

Subscribed to Spotify using a free 3 month plan and work email address. Will use account to identify instrumental music to focus during work and to unwind after work.


The title of this post is an homage to the original Tron movie.

Thank you.

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